產品型號: YX694
個性化定制: 尺寸和厚度, 形狀, 顏色, 材料, RFID芯片, 頻帶, pre-printed LOGO and QR Code, 等等.
工作頻率: 125千赫, 134.2千赫, 13.56兆赫, 860〜960MHz的可選
協議標準: ISO14443A, ISO14443B, ISO15693, ISO18000-6C, ISO18000-6B
封裝的芯片: EM4100, EM4305, NTAG203, NTAG213, NTAG215, NTAG216, EM4305, TK4100, T5557, Hitag2, HitagS, M1 S50 / S70, ULT 10, DESFire41, ICODE2, Ti2048, SR176, INSIDE2K, LRI2K, LRIS2K或UHF芯片
識別距離: 125千赫(2〜10cm的); 13.56兆赫(2〜6厘米); 860〜960MHz的(20〜100厘米)
工作溫度: -20℃〜+ 95℃
儲存溫度: -20℃〜+ 90℃
讀寫次數: > 100,000 時
使用壽命:> 10 年份
標籤材料: ABS, PPS
規範: diameter 50mm/52mm
厚度: 5.5毫米
內孔: 15×15mm的
YX694 model RFID patrol tags is made by using refined molds and injecting with high-grade anti-corrosion and high temperature-resistant materials. The RF card chip is encapsulated inside, 填充環氧樹脂, and combined by ultrasonic welding. The appearance is small and exquisite, durable and does not fade. The product is waterproof, shockproof and anti-corrosion, with a variety of colors to choose from, and can be produced according to the customer's design.
125Khz/13.56Mhz a variety of RFID smart chips can be packaged on demand, can be combined packaging, 商標, 模式, ID碼, serial number can be printed on the surface, 合適的用於訪問控制的, patrol guards, bus coins, parking lot management, 身份認證, 考勤管理, 門票, One Card Solution Prepaid, 等等, pecial occasions such as payment, 資產管理, 產品標識, it can also be used for Electronic Productive Recording Tags in garment factory Electronic Ticket System.