產品型號: DSH-106
The format range can be modified: Wiegand26 to Wiegand37, 其他格式可定制.
查詢輸出格式: serial number data format compatible with HID cards (Wiegand26 or Wiegand37)
Support IC chip: T5557, T5567, T5577
產品尺寸: 106×82×26mm
工作電流: <30毫安
HID card is a low-frequency passive non-contact card with a radio frequency carrier frequency of 125KHz. It can read serial numbers. The HID composite card can write data. The encryption is relatively good and the stability is high, use for office buildings, 停車場, lockers and other high-end occasions.
The HID card reader supports T5577 and its compatible cards. There is no need to install drivers, 即插即用 (PNP, 即插即用), the software does not need to be installed, it can be used directly.