I-RFID, yonke indawo emhlabeni.

EM4205, EM4305, EM4469 Chip Read Module

Isigaba namathegi:
I-Module / i-Antenna , , , ,

EM4205, EM4305, EM4469 chip Read/Write Module can read and write EM4205, EM4305, EM4469 chip card data. Suitable for patrolling system, access control system, entrance guard system, attendance time system, car park management system, uhlelo lokuphatha amalungu, campus and consumer One Card Solution, RFID card manufacturing company EM4305 chip testing, and other areas of the RFID.

  • Imininingwane
  • Incazelo

Usayizi: 2.5×2.5cm
Ukunikezwa kwamandla kagesi: 4~5V@30mA
Imvamisa yokusebenza: 125I-KHz
I-chip yokusekela: EM4205, EM4305, EM4469 or compatible chip (default format Manchester code RF/64)
Isixhumi esibonakalayo: serial port (TTL-232 format)
R/W distance: <7cm

EM4205, EM4305, EM4469 chip Read/Write Module can read and write EM4205, EM4305, EM4469 chip card data. Suitable for patrolling system, access control system, entrance guard system, attendance time system, car park management system, uhlelo lokuphatha amalungu, campus and consumer One Card Solution, RFID card manufacturing company EM4305 chip testing, and other areas of the RFID.
The EM4205, EM4305, EM4469 chip Read/Write Module at work,based on MCU serial port to send the command to EM4305 card data read and write data to the EM4305 card, through standard output interface can be read card module embedded in application system, easily implement all kinds of application development.
The module data output TTL-232.

Patrolling system
Access control system
Entrance guard system
Attendance time system
Car park management system
Member management system
Campus and consumer One Card Solution
RFID card manufacturing company EM4305 chip test


Mhlawumbe nawe uthanda

  • Izigaba zomkhiqizo

  • Yabelana nomngani

  • Inkonzo yethu

    I-RFID / IoT / Ukulawulwa Kokufinyelela
    LF / HF / UHF
    Ikhadi / Ithegi / Inlay / Ilebula
    I-Wristband / i-Keychain
    Idivayisi ye-R / W
    Isixazululo se-RFID
    I-OEM / i-ODM

  • Inkampani

    Mayelana NATHI
    Cindezela & Abezindaba
    Izindaba / Amabhulogi
    Imiklomelo & Ukubuyekeza
    Uhlelo Lokuxhumana

  • Xhumana nathi

    Ucingo:0086 755 89823301