RFID, a tot el món.

Un altre Etiqueta Dedicat

» Dedicat Tag RFID » Un altre Etiqueta Dedicat

Low Frequency 125KHz Electronic Coil Inlay, Low Frequency 125KHz Coil COB Tag

Un altre Etiqueta Dedicat , , , ,

Low-frequency coil size and shape can customized.

  • especificacions
  • descripció

Comply with protocol standards: ISO 18000-2
xip: TK4100/EM4102/EM4305/T5577/T5567/T5577
Freqüència: 125KHz
memòria: read-only/512bit
Llegir i escriure la distància: 1~ 10cm (Depends on RF regulation in country of use, the reader antenna configuration, and the environmental conditions.)
temps esborrables: > 100000 vegades
Emmagatzematge de dades: 10 anys
material de l'antena: filferro de coure
Diameter: 18mm/25mm/28mm or specify size
temperatura de treball: -20℃ ~ + 70 ℃ (-4℉ ~ 158 ℉ +)

Low frequency 125KHz special Inlay, COB semi-finished products, special size applications. As we have a professional R & D and manufacturing technology, we can manufacture semi-finished products of various coil sizes according to the requirements and are suitable for various individualized solutions. The products can be made of paper, PVC plastic, PET, ABS, ordinador personal, Processing into the products you need.
SeabreezeRFID semi-finished products are currently widely used in logistics, joguines, production, consumer, alcohol and tobacco and other special areas of object identification management.

Control d'accés, Conference Signing, Product Identification, Logistics Tracking, Biometria, Object Recognition, Industrial Automation, Video Game Chip, Ticket Card, Supermarket, Books, Asset Management, etc..


Avantatge competitiu:
El personal experimentat;
excel·lent qualitat;
El millor preu;
Entrega ràpida;
de gran capacitat i una àmplia gamma de productes;
Accepteu la petita ordre;
productes ODM i OEM d'acord a la demanda del client.


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  • nostre Servei

    RFID / IO / Control d'Accés
    LF / HF / UHF
    Targeta / etiqueta / Embotit / etiqueta
    Canellera / clauer
    R / W Device
    solució RFID
    OEM / ODM

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  • contacti'ns

    tel:0086 755 89823301