Comply with protocol standards: ISO 18000-2
Chip: TK4100/EM4102/EM4305/T5577/T5567/T5577
ho tsoa ho Seabreeze Smart Card Co.,Ltd: 125KHz
Mohopolo: read-only/512bit Read and write distance: 1~10cm (Depends on RF regulation in country of use, the reader antenna configuration, and the environmental conditions.) Erasable times: > 100000 linako Data storage: 10 lilemo
ho tsoa ho Seabreeze Smart Card Co.,Ltd: copper wire Diameter: 18mm/25mm/28mm or specify size
Sebetsa mocheso: -20℃~+70 ℃ (-4℉~+158℉)
Low frequency 125KHz special Inlay, COB semi-finished products, special size applications. As we have a professional R & D and manufacturing technology, we can manufacture semi-finished products of various coil sizes according to the requirements and are suitable for various individualized solutions. The products can be made of paper, PVC plastic, PET, ABS, PC, Processing into the products you need. SeabreezeRFID semi-finished products are currently widely used in logistics, libapalisoa, production, consumer, alcohol and tobacco and other special areas of object identification management.
Phihlelo Control, Conference Signing, Product Identification, Logistics Tracking, Likokoana-hloko, Object Recognition, Industrial Automation, Video Game Chip, Ticket Card, Supermarket, Books, Asset Management, etc.
Molemo oa tlholisano:
Basebetsi ba nang le boiphihlelo;
Boleng bo botle;
Theko e ntle;
Tlhahiso e potlakileng;
Bokhoni bo boholo le lihlahisoa tse fapaneng;
Amohela taelo e nyane;
Lihlahisoa tsa ODM le OEM ho latela tlhoko ea moreki.