Amb el desenvolupament continu de la tecnologia RFID, Les etiquetes electròniques RFID són cada cop més habituals a la vida. La tecnologia RFID és similar a l'escaneig de codis de barres, which also stores data on a carrier in some way and reads internal data through a special reading device.
Bar code is used to print data on the surface of objects. Although the cost is low, it is convenient and quick, but the data is easy to be lost, and it is not suitable for harsh environment. RFID tag technology uses special RFID reader and RFID electronic tag which can be attached to the target, and uses frequency signals to transmit information from RFID electronic tag to RFID reader.
The industrial environment is complex, the frequency of reading and writing is high, and how can RFID be used for a long time with high frequency to ensure that tags can be read and written normally? If the RFID tag fails, it cannot be scanned and applied. Under what circumstances does the RFID electronic anti-counterfeiting tag fail?
1. the tag is damaged
En general, tags are wrapped with industrial materials such as PPS, PVC, ABS, paper, resin, ceramics, etcètera, but in extreme cases, the tags may be damaged, per exemple, the chips are damaged or the coils are broken due to external pressure exceeding the endurance of the tags, and high static electricity or high voltage will also cause irreparable damage to the tags.
The RFID tag developed and produced by Shenzhen Seabreeze Smart Card Co., Ltd. has the protection level of IP68, and has the capabilities of water resistance, resistència a alta temperatura, chemical corrosion resistance, acid and alkali resistance, oil resistance, etcètera, which can be applied to most industrial environments and can be used normally. Per tant, when installing the tag, it can be used normally only by avoiding external pressure on the stressed surface and preventing high voltage and high static electricity from the power supply accessories.
2. The tag is not damaged
RFID technology transmits energy to the tag through the magnetic field generated by the card reader. After the tag gets energy from the magnetic field of the card reader, it returns the data to the card reader, but the electromagnetic wave cannot completely penetrate the metal. Per tant, the tag will fail under the condition of metal barrier, and the water can absorb the electromagnetic wave. Although the tag is waterproof, it will be unreadable if the tag works in liquid.
RFID transmits energy and information through the magnetic field, and the magnetic field of the card reader will be disturbed in the strong magnetic field accessories such as motors and power supplies, resulting in the inability to read tag data. The sensing area of the card reader is limited in distance. Only when the tag enters the sensing area can the data be read and written normally. The distance of the sensing area depends on the equipment type and the field environment.
To sum up, RFID technology can read data through non-metallic materials such as paper, wood, plàstic, etcètera, and carry out penetrating communication, but it is difficult to work normally in the case of metal barrier, being wrapped by water or strong magnetic field, and there is a high probability of failure.
3. tag type
Tags can be divided into different types according to their own materials and chip integration protocols. Apart from physical characteristics, the working protocol of tags determines whether tags can communicate with card readers.
Per exemple, a card reader using Modbus data type can’t correctly decode the tags using free protocol, and can only read a bunch of garbled codes. Per tant, Shenzhen Seabreeze Smart Card Co, Ltd. will develop tags of corresponding models for each type of card reader when developing. Only the supporting card readers and tags can decode the data normally, complete the data exchange and ensure your project application.
(Font: Shenzhen Seabreeze Smart Card Co., Ltd.)