Tekniske specifikationer
Udseende størrelse: 143× 110 × 28mm
Strøm: DC 5V
Kommunikation sats: 9600~ 115200
Kabel: ikke mindre end 1,5 m
Kontaktløse moduler
Support korttype: ISO14443 TypeA-kompatibelt kontaktløst CPU-kort, MF S50 / S70 hukommelseskort
protokol: ISO14443 /1/2/3/4 T = CL-protokol
driftsfrekvens: 13.56MHz ± 7kHz
Kortlæse- og skrivehastighed: 106 Kbps
Kortlæse / skriveafstand: 0~ 50mm, den faktiske afstand er relateret til kortet
CPU-kortkommandolængde: Læs kommandodatadomenets maksimale længde er 91 bytes, skrive 110 bytes
Overholder standarder: ISO7816-1 / 2/3/4 for
Overholdelsesprotokol: ISO 7816 T = 0, T=1 Protocol Read/Write rate: 9600bps~115200bps Hmi
LED: Red light is indicated as a power source, green flashes to communication Beep: Monotonic
Skærm: 8-bit LED display Support system: Windows 2000/NT/XP/Vista/Windows 7
Driftstemperatur: 0° C ~ + 50 ° C (Optional -25°C~+85°C)
Arbejde luftfugtighed: 10%~ 90%
Teknisk support Drive: Driveless API: Standard Windows 32-bit dynamic library Companion services: Lever udviklingspakker, inklusive dynamiske biblioteker med produktgrænseflade, demo rutiner, og hjælp til dokumentation
The RF-35LT model contactless reader is an RS232 connection, can also customized with USB or RS485 connection. It can be used as a whole product or as a chipset module without a housing, suitable for integration into any other device. It includes antenna, LED and buzzer. All Mifare cards can be read and written. You can also access ISO 14443 Type A and Type B cards as required. If the SAM security module is selected, you can read the contact IC card that complies with the standard ISO7816-1/2/3/4. It can also be used for parking meters, adgangskontrol, Trafik, oil control, access control signs. The latest updated version of the RF-35LT reader support MIFARER Classic 1K/4K for MAD, support MIFARER DESFire EV 4K/8K for MAD.
Produktegenskaber RS232 Serial Communication External adapter power
LED display Provides real-time clock Optional SAM security module
Support IC card type
Kontaktløs: MF Std 1K, MF Std 4K, MF ULT, Type A contactless CPU card, MIFARER Classic, MIFARER DESFire EV1/EV2/EV3, SHC1102, FM11RF08, FM11RF005, etc.