Spésifikasi teknis
ukuran penampilan: 143× 110 × 28mm
kakuatan: DC 5V
laju komunikasi: 9600~ 115200
kabel: teu kurang ti 1,5m
Hubungan modul
Jenis kartu pendukung: ISO14443 Kartu kontak contactless patuh-ISOA44, Kartu mémori MF S50 / S70
Protocol: ISO14443 /1/2/3/4 T = CL Protocol
frékuénsi operasi: 13.56MHz ± 7kHz
Kartu maca sareng nyerat: 106 kbps
Jarak maca / nyerat jarakna: 0~ 50mm, jarakna nyata aya hubunganana sareng kartu
Parentah panjang kartu CPU: Maca data paréntah domain panjang maksimal nyaéta 91 bait, nulis 110 bait
Modul SAM
Cocog sareng standar: ISO7816-1 / 2/3/4
Patuh Protokol: ISO 7816 T = 0, T = 1 Protokol
Tingkat baca / Tulis: 9600bps ~ 115200bps
LED: Cahaya beureum dituduhkeun salaku sumber listrik, lampu héjo héjo komunikasi
Bip: Monotonik
mamerkeun: 8-tampilan LED bit
Sistem dukungan: Windows 2000 / NT / XP / Vista / Windows 7
Lingkungan damel
hawa operasi: 0° C ~ + 50 ° C (Goréng -25 ° C ~ + 85 ° C)
kalembaban gawe: 10%~ 90%
Bantosan Téknis
Girang: Girang
API: Standar Windows 32-bit dinamis perpustakaan
Jasa jasa: Nyayogikeun pakét pangembangan, kaasup pustaka dinamis produk, rutinitas demo, sareng pitulung dokuméntasi
The RF-35LT model contactless reader is an RS232 connection, can also customized with USB or RS485 connection. It can be used as a whole product or as a chipset module without a housing, suitable for integration into any other device. It includes antenna, LED and buzzer. All Mifare cards can be read and written. You can also access ISO 14443 Type A and Type B cards as required. If the SAM security module is selected, you can read the contact IC card that complies with the standard ISO7816-1/2/3/4. It can also be used for parking meters, aksés aksés, traffic, oil control, access control signs. The latest updated version of the RF-35LT reader support MIFARER Classic 1K/4K for MAD, support MIFARER DESFire EV 4K/8K for MAD.
Aplikasi anu biasa E-commerce (e.g. room reservations, kartu prabayar, jeung sajabana) Network access Access, hotels Schools, hospitals Point-of-sale(POS) Tax administration
Product characteristics RS232 Serial Communication External adapter power LED display Provides real-time clock Optional SAM security module
Support IC card type
Teu hubungan: MF Std 1K, MF Std 4K, MF ULT, Type A contactless CPU card, MIFARER Classic, MIFARER DESFire EV1/EV2/EV3, SHC1102, FM11RF08, FM11RF005, jsb.