RFID, munduko leku guztietan.

Modulua / Antena

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RFID Contact and contactless dual interface Reader Module

Modulua / Antena , ,

Mainly used for car charging pile(EVSE)

Supports most of the non contact smart card with ISO14443 TypeA/TypeB standards.
Supports the latest Mifare Plus and DESFire EV1.
Support Mifare 1k/4k card T=CL simulation functions.
Support extended APDU.
Supports most of the contact type smart card in line with the ISO7816 standard.
Support SLE5528, SLE5542 and other storage card.
With a built-in SAM slot.

  • Zehaztapenak
  • Deskribapena

Lan maiztasuna: 13.56MHz
Interfazea: USB full speed, or customizable
Standard wiring length: 1.5M
RF R/W distance: up to 50mm (depending on the type of tag)
Power supply voltage: DC 5V
Power supply current: 200mA (work); 50mA (standby)
Interface Support Smart Card
Accord with ISO-7816 standard A,B and C grade (5V,3V,1.8V)
Accord with ISO-14443 standard A & B class, Mifare
Deck life: >100000 aldiz
Standard/certification: PC/SC, CE, CCID, FCC, RoHS, USB full speed certification
Sistema eragilea: Win2000, WinXP, WinVista, Win7
Laneko tenperatura: 0℃~+50℃
Neurriak: 106×67×15mm
Pisua: 34g

SMS-R1 is a dual interface read module, able to support any ISO 7816 and ISO 14443 standard contact type and non-contact smart card. And conform to the PC/SC standard, it take full advantage of non-contact card high-speed communications (maximum speed of 848 kbps), therefore is very suitable for the application of strict. At the same time the SMS-R1 has built-in SAM card slot, improved the security of the contact type and non-contact applications.
With USB firmware upgrade, support contact storage card and expansion of APDU, and other functions, SMS-R1 is a low cost, high efficiency, powerful integration equipment, provide convenient and flexible for many smart card application. Currently in the charging pile identification reader module is quite widely used.

Produktuaren ezaugarriak
Meet the PC/SC standard of contact, non-contact and SAM card interface
By CCID standard
Supports most of the non contact smart card with ISO14443 TypeA/TypeB standards.
With a built-in antenna for non contact, the card's reading distance depending on the tag type, the maximum amount of up to 50mm
Supports the latest Mifare Plus and DESFire EV1
Support Mifare 1k/4k card T=CL simulation functions
Can read and write at a speed of 848 Kbps non-contact interface
Has a built-in collision avoidance function (appear more card, at least can detect a card)
Support extended APDU
Supports most of the contact type smart card in line with the ISO7816 standard
Support SLE5528, SLE5542 and other storage card
Read/Write of the contact interface speed up to 344 kbps
Equipped with durable smart card connector
With a built-in SAM slot
Intelligent support for mixed and complex RFID card
Firmware upgrade function
User controlled single tones buzzer and monochromatic LED light
USB full speed (12 Mbps)

Electric automobile charging piles (EVSE)
Electronic government affairs
Electronic banking and electronic payment
Electronic medical
Network security


Abantaila lehiakorra:
Esperientziadun Langileak;
Kalitate bikaina;
Preziorik onena;
Entrega azkarra;
Edukiera handia eta produktu sorta zabala;
Onartu eskaera txikia;
ODM eta OEM produktuak bezeroaren eskariaren arabera.


Agian ere gustuko duzu

  • Produktuen Kategoriak

  • Partekatu lagunari

  • Gure Zerbitzua

    RFID / IoT / Sarbide Kontrola
    LF / HF / UHF
    Txartela / Etiketa / Inkrustazioa / Etiketa
    Eskumuturra / giltzatakoa
    I / G gailua
    RFID irtenbidea
    OEM / ODM

  • Enpresa

    Guri buruz
    Sakatu & Komunikabideak
    Albisteak / Blogak
    Sariak & Iritziak
    Kidea Programa

  • Jarri gurekin harremanetan

    Tel:0086 755 89823301