Prìomh pharamadairean teignigeach Wafer die: NTAG203, NTAG213, NTAG215, NTAG216, FM11RF08, M1 S50, Ultralight, Ultralight C.,msaa. Function: read/write protect by password Inbhe protocol: ISO / IEC 14443 TypeA Tricead: 13.56MHz Modulation: ASK Tag nigheadaireachd aig teòthachd àrd an aghaidh searbhag RFID agus alcali: 50x35mm, 46x31mm, 40x25mm, Φ50mm, mu 30mm, no sònraich Tigheadas: 0.5~1.0mm with anti-metal layer Finish: glossy, matte Bonding: FLIP chip Stuth: PET, pàipear còmhdaichte, wave-absorbing materials Raon leughaidh: 15~50mm, depend on the reader and tag antenna size Metal environment (roghainneil): enable working directly adhesive on metal surface or environment Teòthachd obrach: -25° C ~ + 55 ° C. Store temperature: -25°C~+65°C Printing and other processes: surface number, LOGO, picture, laser engrave serial number/UID Pacadh: roll or single
NFC (near field communication) is a standards-based, proximity contact-less connectivity technology that enables simple and safe two-way interactions between electronic devices (mobile devices, electronics, PCs, or smart objects), allowing consumers to perform contact-less transactions(wireless communication), access digital content, and connect electronic devices with a single approach. It is safe, goireasach, passive and fast. NFC inlay is a semi-finished product that can be converted into labels, tags, tokens, badges, and more. With the innovative design in its size, it is thin and flexible which makes it easily to attach to any mobile devices. The RFID Anti-metal NFC Tag is integrated with RFID chip conforming with product which provides high security. Apart from RFID technology, this sticker can be used also for payment applications.
Tagraidhean Turnstiles Vender Loyalty system for promotion Parking meters E-payment, Mobile payment Smachd ruigsinneachd Data transmission Smart business card Smart menu NFC refrigerator sticker
Buannachd Farpaiseach Luchd-obrach eòlach; Càileachd sàr-mhath; Prìs as fheàrr; Lìbhrigeadh luath; Comas mòr agus raon farsaing de thoraidhean; Gabh ri òrdugh beag; Bathar ODM agus OEM a rèir iarrtas luchd-ceannach.