RFID, air feadh an t-saoghail.
0086 755 89823301 seabreezerfid@gmail.com
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 Deasaich eadar-theangachadh

Cairt chip DESFire EV2 D22, Cairt chip Mifare DESFire EV2 D42, Cairt chip Mifare DESFire EV2 D82

Cairt chip HF , , , , , , ,

Modail toraidh: D22-H6077/D42-H6078/D82-H6079

Roghainnean pearsanachaidh: meud agus sònrachaidhean, tighead, cumadh(Card/Label or Prelam Inlay), surface printing, sgrìobhadh dàta, agus pròiseasan toraidh sònraichte eile.

  • Sònrachaidhean
  • Tuairisgeul
  • Ciùird ruigsinneach

Paramadairean teignigeach
Inbhe protocol: ISO 14443 TypeA
Tricead: 13.56MHz
Àite stòraidh: 2KB/4KB/8KB/16KB/32KByte
Read ranges: 1~ 10cm ( according to the reader and antenna design )
Data transmission speed: 106 kbit/s
Operating time: 1~5ms
Glèidheadh ​​dàta: 25 bliadhna
Write endurance typical: 500,000 cycles
Recommended storage temperature: -25℃ ~ + 50 ℃ (-13℉~+122℉)
Teòthachd obrach: -40℃~+65℃ (-40℉~+149℉)
Taiseachd: 20%~90% RH
Stuthan: PVC, PET, PETG, Polycarbonate, Pàipear, 0.13uèir copar mm
Encapsulation technology: Ultrasonic automatic plant line / Automatic touch welding
Meud: ISO standard card 85.6×54×0.82mm
Available for size: 85.6×54mm, 83×20mm, 70×40mm, 50×50mm, 45× 45mm, 45×28mm, 44×20mm, 38×38mm, 35×30mm, Tigheadas: 0.36-1.2mm.

MIFARE DESFire EV2 (MF3D(H.)x2) is the latest member of the MIFARE DESFire series of products. This product adds new functions and enhances performance, providing an excellent user experience. MIFARE DESFire EV2 has passed the EAL5+ general standard security verification. It fully meets the requirements of high-speed, high-reliability data transmission and flexible application management. The product can provide easy, convenient and secure access to various services, and is an ideal choice for service providers and service operators.
DESFire EV2 D22/D42/D82 Chip main application: Fuasgladh aon chairt, Traffic ticket, Points and micropayments, Smachd ruigsinneachd, Road toll, Multiple applications

Prìomh fheartan
Optional encryption methods, including 2KTDES, 3KTDES and AES128
Fully comply with the ISO/IEC 14443A standard (parts 1-4), using optional ISO/IEC 7816-4 stiùireadh
DESFire EV2: 256byte. 2/4/8-Kbyte EEPROM, supports fast programming
privacy protection
Flexible file system
Tèarainteachd conaltraidh
An evolutionary development path and roadmap that can withstand the test of the future — standard interfaces ensure that the current infrastructure can be easily upgraded to meet future smart card chip requirements
Provide consistent products and multiple resource choices for all levels of the value chain

We can offer PVC blank card, printing card, paper-sticker tag, Key chain, Wristband, TOKEN and thin & thick cards of various specifications.

Applications contain
Door-control system, Checking-in system, Siostam aithneachaidh, Physical distribution system, Automation system and various member-cards such as: meal-selling, subway, còmhdhail poblach, club etc. And also it contains electronic consumption, tiogaid eileagtronaigeach, animal identification, target tracking, laundry management and various payment systems.


Clò-bhualadh: Clò-bhualadh Offset, Clò-bhualadh inc Patone, Clò-bhualadh dath spot, Clò-bhualadh Silkscreen, Clò-bhualadh teirmeach, Clò-bhualadh inc-jet, Clò-bhualadh didseatach.
Feartan tèarainteachd: Comharra-uisge, Ablation laser, Hologram / OVD, Inc UV, Inc caochlaideach optigeach, Barcode falaichte / masg Barcode, Bogha-frois ceumnaichte, Micro-theacsa, Guilloche, Hot stamping.
Feadhainn eile: Toiseach tòiseachaidh / crioptachadh dàta chip IC, Dàta caochlaideach, Stiall magnetach pearsanaichte air a phrògramadh, Pannal soidhnidh, Còd-barra, Àireamh sònraichte, Gabhail a-steach, Còd DOD, Còd convex NBS, Die-gearradh.

Is dòcha gu bheil thu a ’còrdadh riut cuideachd

  • An t-seirbheis againn

    RFID / IoT / Smachd ruigsinneachd
    LF / HF / UHF
    Cairt / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Bann-dùirn / Keychain
    Inneal R / W.
    Fuasgladh RFID
    OEM / ODM

  • Companaidh

    Mar dèidhinn
    Brùth & Meadhanan
    Naidheachdan / Blogaichean
    Duaisean & Lèirmheasan
    Prògram ceangailte

  • Cuir fios thugainn

    Fòn:0086 755 89823301