RFID, air feadh an t-saoghail.
0086 755 89823301 seabreezerfid@gmail.com
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 Deasaich eadar-theangachadh

ISO 14443 Tiogaid / Cairt Luach air a stòradh 14443 Tiogaid / Cairt Luach air a stòradh, Tiogaid / Cairt Luach air a stòradh

Cairt chip HF, Cairt JAVA / Cairt CPU / Cairt eadar-aghaidh dùbailte , , , ,

Modail toraidh: HL524

A true RF multi-function card that supports the following:
ISO 14443 TypeA and ISO 14443 TypeB protocol
ISO 14443-1/2/3/4. Ie support T=CL

  • Sònrachaidhean
  • Tuairisgeul
  • Ciùird ruigsinneach

Prìomh pharamadairean teignigeach
Tricead: 13.56MHz
Comas stòraidh: 32K×1024bits
Ùine leughaidh is sgrìobhaidh: 3MS
Astar mothachaidh: 0~6cm
Stuth: white PVC
Sònrachaidhean: 85.6×54 × 0.86mm

ISO gun cheangal 14443 Type A card and ISO 14443 Type B card combo card. Supports ISO14443 Type A and Type B protocols. Supports NFC Forum Type 4 Tag (NFC-A, NFC-B). Powerful, both as an NFC card and as a contactless card. Can be applied to NFC, PBOC, POS and ATM. Customizable commands and UID.
SeaBreeze Smart Card Company provides detailed COS user manuals.

ISO gun cheangal 14443 TypeA and ISO 14443 TypeB 2 a-steach 1 Cairt tricead ìosal HID
A ’toirt taic do ISO 14443 TypeA and ISO 14443 TypeB protocols
A ’toirt taic do ISO 14443-1/2/3/4. Ie support T=CL
Supports 106/212/424kbit/s
Reading and writing distance greater than 5 cm
A 'toirt taic 20 different communication rates set by the user through commands, Suas gu 424 kbit/s
Support users to set UID and PUPI
Supports NFC Forum Type 4 Tag (NFC-A, NFC-B)
Simulator qPBOC

Card application
NFC tag
POS machine development and application test card
ATM machine development application test card
Contactless Reader Development Application Test Card
ISO gun cheangal 14443 Type A study Card
ISO gun cheangal 14443 Type B study Card
ISO 14443 protocol study card

Clò-bhualadh: Clò-bhualadh Offset, Clò-bhualadh inc Patone, Clò-bhualadh dath spot, Clò-bhualadh Silkscreen, Clò-bhualadh teirmeach, Clò-bhualadh inc-jet, Clò-bhualadh didseatach.
Feartan tèarainteachd: Comharra-uisge, Ablation laser, Hologram / OVD, Inc UV, Inc caochlaideach optigeach, Barcode falaichte / masg Barcode, Bogha-frois ceumnaichte, Micro-theacsa, Guilloche, Hot stamping.
Feadhainn eile: Toiseach tòiseachaidh / crioptachadh dàta chip IC, Dàta caochlaideach, Stiall magnetach pearsanaichte air a phrògramadh, Pannal soidhnidh, Còd-barra, Àireamh sònraichte, Gabhail a-steach, Còd DOD, Còd convex NBS, Die-gearradh.

Is dòcha gu bheil thu a ’còrdadh riut cuideachd

  • An t-seirbheis againn

    RFID / IoT / Smachd ruigsinneachd
    LF / HF / UHF
    Cairt / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Bann-dùirn / Keychain
    Inneal R / W.
    Fuasgladh RFID
    OEM / ODM

  • Companaidh

    Mar dèidhinn
    Brùth & Meadhanan
    Naidheachdan / Blogaichean
    Duaisean & Lèirmheasan
    Prògram ceangailte

  • Cuir fios thugainn

    Fòn:0086 755 89823301