Prìomh pharamadairean teignigeach Stuth pacaidh: ABS / PVC + epoxy air a thoirt a-steach (glaodh cruaidh / glaodh bog) Pròtacalan conaltraidh: ISO 14443 TypeA / B., ISO 15693, Clas EPC 1 Gen 2,ISO 18000-6C/6B Astar leughaidh is sgrìobhaidh: 5~ 10cm, Astar leughaidh tag UHF suas gu 30cm Teòthachd obrach: -20° C ~ + 85 ° C. Seasmhachd: 100,000 amannan Ìre dìon: IP67 / IP68
The RFID Crystal Epoxy material Keychain products are printed on a variety of materials and the surface is made of imported crystal epoxy. This keychain is dust-proof, waterproof and has no air bubbles inside. Transparency such as glass, good stereoscopic effect, colorful and vivid image is ideal for business promotion. Any pattern can be customized, and various cartoon shapes can be made according to different requirements of customers. Feartan: furasta a ghiùlan, beautiful, seasmhach, dìon-uisge, not easy to wear Can be offset, sgàilean sìoda, pad printing, còdadh, flat code (òr, airgead, dearg, buidhe, Dubh), laser code, Còd QR, engraving code and other processes. Choose from over 300 type shapes and personalization. Can package all kinds of smart chips, can also not use chips. Can package various types of chips: EM4200, EM4102, EM4069, EM4550, EM4305, Chip chip(FM1208-9 / FM1208-10), MF1K S50, MF4K S70, ULtralight, NTAG203, ATA5567, T5577, T88RF256, TK4100, FM11RF08, LEGICmini256, Alien H3, impinj M4, msaa. Bathar ODM agus OEM a rèir iarrtas luchd-ceannach.
Tagraidhean Member management, siostaman luchd-cleachdaidh, One Card Solutions payment, Prepaid card, comharrachadh toraidh, riaghladh sgoile, apartment community management, ruigsinneachd smachd ruigsinneachd, AIDC, aithneachadh, cairt bus, Ionad-pàircidh, night club membership card, swimming ski tickets, can also be used as crafts Gift card for business gift.