Főbb műszaki paraméterek
Anyag: PVC
Méret: CR80-ISO 86mmX54mm vagy igény
Vastagság: 0.76mm vagy az ügyfél köteles a vastagság avaiable
Szín: lehet nyomtatni 1 a színes mindkét oldalon, és Pantone színek vagy selyem színek
Hajó: Fényes, Matt, lekaparni panelek, mágnescsík, vonalkód, lyukasztott, meleg sajtolás arany / ezüst színű, aláírási panelen dombornyomás száma, hőnyomtatáshoz, UV nyomtatás, lézer engaving, stb.
Scratch Card (also called a scratch off, scratch ticket, scratcher, scratchie, scratch-it, scratch game, scratch-and-win or instant game) is a small token, usually made of cardboard, where one or more areas contain concealed information: they are covered by a substance (usually latex) that cannot be seen through, but can be scratched off. Card surface is covered with numbers and letters and other text passwords coatings, and therefore also called scratch coating password card (Password coating film card), debit card or billing code card.
Applications include gambling (especially lottery games), quizzes, and to conceal PINs for telephone calling cards and other prepaid services. In some cases, the entire scratchable area needs to (or may be) scratched to see whether a prize has been won, or to reveal the secret code; the result for the cardholder does not change based on what portions are scratched off or not. In other cases, selected areas have to be scratched; this may apply in a quiz, where the area corresponding to the right answer is scratched, or in gambling, where depending on which areas are scratched one wins or loses. In these cases the card becomes invalid if too many areas are scratched. After losing one can scratch all areas to see if, how, and what one could have won with this card.
Alkalmazások Enterprises, school, club, advertising, forgalom, super market, parkolás, bank, government, biztosítás, medical care, promotion, tourist tickets, visiting, stb..
250db / doboz, 10boxes/carton for standard size card or customized boxes or cartons as required
Lead time according to order quantity and production process, 7-10 days after approval for design document.
tapasztalt személyzet;
Kiváló minőség;
Legjobb ár;
Gyors szállítás;
Nagy kapacitású, és a termékek széles skáláját;
Elfogadás kis megrendelések;
ODM és OEM termékeket a vevő igénye.