RFID, n'ebe nile ụwa.

Ọzọ Anti-metal Tag

» RFID Raara Tag » Anti-metal Tag » Ọzọ Anti-metal Tag

Full Metal Anti-aka ike Environment UHF Tag

CATEGORY na mkpado:
Ọzọ Anti-metal Tag , , ,

Product nlereanya: BY3535

Painting and Spraying production line,Valuable asset tracking management,Oil and Gas industry.

  • nkọwa
  • Description

Nka na ụzụ kwa
RF nkọwa
RF Air Protocol: EPC Global Class 1 Gen2, ISO18000-6C
operating Frequency: 866-868MHz(US)/902-928MHz(US)/920-925MHz(CN)
Environment Ndakọrịta: Metal na-abụghị dara
Gụọ iche On-Metal(2W ERP): Up na 4m / 13.1 ft
Gụọ iche Off-Metal(2W ERP): Up na 4m / 13.1 ft
Polarization: linear
IC Type: ọbịa H3
Memory nhazi: EPC 96bit / TID 64bit / User 512bit

Mechanical Sepcifications
Tag Materials: Efere mkpado Embed na metal
n'elu Materials: Elu arụmọrụ epoxy resin
akụkụ: 35× 35 × 5mm(1.38× 1,38 × 0.2in)/Dayameta 25 × 6.5mm(0.98× 0.26in)
ibu: 16g / 12g
agba: Silver ndabara, ahaziri na agba ndị dị

Environmetal Sepcifications
operating okpomọkụ: -30° C ~ + 85 ° C / -22 ° F ~ + 185 ° F
ihere okpomọkụ: -30° C ~ + 250 ° C / -22 ° F ~ + 482 ° F
IP Classfication: IP68
Shock na ọma jijiji: Nnù STD 810-F
Akwụkwọ ikike: 1 afọ

customization Nhọrọ
Nga ngbanwe dabeere ahịa’ nkọwapụta, tinyere EPC, User ebe nchekwa na ndị ọzọ na-arịọ.
Ahaziri ọdịdị imewe, gụnyere agba, logo, barcode, ederede etc.
Dimension nwere ike ahaziri, elele na SeabreezeRFID nnọchiteanya ihe Ama.

wụnye na-ekekọta (onwe-zụrụ)
Ụlọ ọrụ ọkwa nyagide
Elu arụmọrụ epoxy resin
Ịgbado ọkụ ma ọ bụ soldering
Rivet ma ọ bụ ịghasa

BY3535 is a absolute rugged RFID tag designed specifically for tagging objects under most harsh environment. With its full metal jackets as the best protection to the tag embed in, BY3535 can be used at almost everywhere with no limitation whatsoever, it is perfectly suitable for oil and gas industry, tracking all kinds of equipments outdoor, and resists high temperature and pressure.

Full Metal Anti-aka ike Environment UHF Tag, RFID Full Metal Anti-harsh Environment Tag, si Seabreeze Smart Card Co., Ltd.

Revolution of IDeas
With the metal jacket surrounded, BY3535 can withstand the most harsh environment. It is the perfect solution for tagging outdoor metal equipments, or parts need high temperature production processes. It is ideally suitable for:
Car painting and spraying process
Tracking important outdoor parts
Oil and gas industry
Tools of molding
High value assets
Expensive measurement devices

Ma eleghị anya, ị na-amasị na-

  • anyị Service

    RFID / IoT / Access Control
    LF / HF / UHF
    Kaadị / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Wristband / Eriri Ngakọ Igodo
    R / W Device
    RFID Ngwọta
    OEM / ODM

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