RFID, n'ebe nile ụwa.

Ọzọ Anti-metal Tag

» RFID Raara Tag » Anti-metal Tag » Ọzọ Anti-metal Tag

Long anya 30 Mita UHF Anti-metal Industrial Tag

CATEGORY na mkpado:
Ọzọ Anti-metal Tag , , ,

Product nlereanya: BY1342

Na 30 meter long reading range is suitable for large industrial equipment and logistics and vehicle tracking projects.

  • nkọwa
  • Description

ọtọ nkọwa
Communication protocol: EPC Class1 Gen2, ISO18000-6C
Frequency: US 902-928MHz / US 865-868MHz
IC ụdị: Ọbịa Higgs-3
Memory: EPC 96bits (Ruo 480bits) , ọrụ 512bits, TID64bits
Dee Cycles: 100,000ugboro
arụ ọrụ mode: Gụọ / dee
data Njide: ruo 50 afọ
na ọdabara Mkpa: metal ebupụta
Gụọ iche(on metal):
idozi Reader(36dBm / 4W): Ruo 30.0m – (US) 902-928MHz, na metal; Ruo 28.0m – (US) 902-928MHz, na metal.
Ruo 16.0m – (US) 865-868MHz, anya metal; Ruo 14.0m – (US) 902-928MHz, anya metal
Gụọ iche(on metal):
handheld Reader(R2000,33dBm / 2W)
Ruo 22.0m – (US) 902-928MHz, na metal; Ruo 22.0m – (US) 902-928MHz, na metal.
Ruo 11.0m – (US) 865-868MHz, anya metal; Ruo 11.0m – (US) 865-868MHz, anya metal
Akwụkwọ ikike: 1 Year

Physical nkọwapụta
size: 130× 42 × 10.5mm,(2 oghere)
ihe: ABS
agba: Black, Red, Blue, Green, White
ibu: 38.0g
arịọnụ Ụzọ: nrapado, ịghasa

Enivironmenal nkọwapụta
IP Rating: IP68
nchekwa okpomọkụ: -30° C ~ + 100 ° C
Operation okpomọkụ: -20° C ~ + 80 ° C

The BY1342 model long distance 30 meters UHF anti-metal industrial tag has an operating frequency of either 902-928MHz(US) or 865-868MHz(US) and is based on the Alien Higgs-3 IC chip, which provides industry-leading performance and up to a 30 meters read range. The BY1342 UHF long distance anti-metal tag is IP68-rated, making it suitable for harsh outdoor environments as well as exposure to water and contaminants. BY1342 RFID long distance tags have an operating temperature range of -20°C to +80°C, and can be attached using high-performance adhesives, via a rivet hole, or using a cable tie.
This BY1342 UHF long distance anti-metal tag is mainly used for large industrial equipment and logistics and vehicle tracking.

Industry 4.0
Factory line management
Vehicle tracking
Njikwa akụrụngwa kwụsiri ike
RTI management
Logistics management
Instrument tracking management
Medical device management

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    RFID / IoT / Access Control
    LF / HF / UHF
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