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Performance Parameters
vinna spenna: staðall DC 12V, eða aðlaga
vinna núverandi: 100mA
vinna ham: Wiegand26/Wiegand34/ABA/RS232, The reader has a variety of output formats, can customizable RS485 output
Innleiðsla tíðni: 125KHz
Læsileg flís tegund: EM4200 chip and compatible ID chip
Innleiðsla fjarlægð: 1 meter with long distance card (ordinary thick card 60~80cm)
Lesa hraða: < 0.2 sekúndur
Lesa bil: < 0.5 sekúndur
vinna hitastig: -25℃ ~ + 75 ℃
Work humidity: 10-90%
Innbyggt loftnet: Já
Built-in LED: tdouble color LED
Innbyggður-í ræðumaður: buzzer
Shell Efni: PVC og duft-húðaður, innbyrðis áveitu svart plastefni lím duft (í raun vatnsheldur)
stærð: 254×254×30mm
Shell lit: black/gray
þyngd: 1.1 KG


Fields marked with an * are required

DC0272-F series 125KHz contactless rf ID card Wiegand Reader, is to adopt advanced rf receiving circuit design and embedded micro-controller, combined with efficient decoding algorithm, the completion of 64 bits of the Read-Only uEM4100 compatible ID card to receive, have received high sensitivity, small work current, single dc power supply, low price, mikil afköst, etc.
Dust, moisture, fully sealed design easy to install, can be installed outdoors in harsh conditions. No mechanical wear, permanent and durable.
The products has prevent wrong connect line protection,and reserved line 50cm.
The products provide OEM.

Parking lot intelligent management system
Access control system
Time attendance system
Gateway management system

Kannski þú vilt líka

  • Þjónusta okkar

    RFID / IOT / Access Control
    LF / HF / UHF
    Card / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Armband / Keychain
    R / W Tæki
    RFID lausn
    OEM / ODM

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