Disposable RFID Cable Tie can be customized according to different frequency and specifications. The electronic tag of the signage part is in an external position for bundling, which is not affected by the material of the material to be bound and can be stably read and used conveniently. Þolir raka, heat, o.fl., hægt að nota í erfiðu umhverfi. Signs surface can be printed of the pattern, LOGO or code.
RFID rafræn kapalbandsmerki eru mikið notuð í flutningsstjórnun, eins og forvarnir gegn faraldri dýra, rekjanleika matvælaöryggis, raflínuflokkun, fjarskiptalínustjórnun, vöruhúsastjórnun, gámaþéttingu, hraðpakka, eignastýringu, fangastjórnun, etc.
RFID electronic cable tie tag application examples In the pork traceability system, pigs are placed in the pigsty and the electronic label is worn to record the status of their farming. At slaughterhouse processing, attach a label to each piece of pork, record the source of each piece of pork with tag information, and monitor all aspects of slaughtering and logistics. When sold in stores and supermarkets, the contents of the tag's chips can be read directly by the electronic scale - meaning that every eligible pork has an "ID." Customers buy pork, pork directly through the electronic tag attached to obtain, including pork weight, price, sales store number, place of origin, immune, etc. can be traced back to trace the important information.