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Seal / Tie / Logistics Tag

» RFID Hollur Tag » Seal / Tie / Logistics Tag

LF / HF Seal, LF / HF Seal Tag, Rafræn Seal Tag

Seal / Tie / Logistics Tag , , , , , , ,

Model: BY7932

The steel wire length can be customized.

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vinna tíðni: 125KHz / 13.56MHz / 860 ~ 960MHz
flís: TK4100 (samhæft við EM4102)/FM11RF08 (samrýmist NXP MF1 S50)
samskipti siðareglur: HF ISO 14443A
Shell efni: ABS
uppbygging: er einu sinni innsigli vír + RFID flís + plast fellt málmur skel
stærð: 21× 23 × 9mm / stál vír lengd <250mm,,stál vír þvermál 1.5mm
Les / skrif fjarlægð: < 6cm (í samræmi við lesendur og umsókn umhverfi)
vinna hitastig: -20℃ ~ + 60 ℃
Geymslu hiti: -45℃ ~ + 85 ℃
rakastig: 5%-80%
þyngd: 30g
Pökkun: 50stk / poka, 1000stk / öskju

RFID Seal Tag advantage: contains RFID chips, each RFID chip has unique serial number in the world, the serial number and seal after binding, seal has uniqueness, so as to achieve the aim of no copy. RFID chip of memory by writing specific information reading and writing equipment, such as sealing time, owner and other detailed information, and the written information can be encrypted, don't know the key, can't rewrite information. Can be used to read and write device reads the information storage.
Can according to the customer request print LOGO, mynstur, fjölda, date, strikamerki, o.fl., can also be used by customers themselves the paste label.

Usage: directly perforation and pull on it. This seal for one-time seals, cannot be used again. After pulling will has traces, each has a unique sequential number, safety protection, strong, easy to lock.
Use the cable clamp/wire cutters clamp to remove

Umsókn: network wiring,instruments,finance,stórverslanir,electric power,petrochemical,package,flutningum, shipping,gardening,etc.

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    RFID / IOT / Access Control
    LF / HF / UHF
    Card / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Armband / Keychain
    R / W Tæki
    RFID lausn
    OEM / ODM

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