RFID, alls staðar í heiminum.

PCB efni Þolir harða umhverfi UHF Anti-málmur Tag

PCB Anti-málmur Tag , ,

Good resistant high temperature performance, suitable for high temperature production line project.

  • upplýsingar
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líkamleg Upplýsingar
stærð (mm) 51x36x7mm (2.01×1.42xO.28inch)

Festingar Aðferð: skrúfur

efni: FR4, styrkt nylon


rafræn Upplýsingar
flís: Impinj Monza 4E, 4Lenging á QT
Operating Frequency: 902~ 928MHz(US)
865~ 868 MHz(US)
samskipti siðareglur: EPC Global C1 Gen2, ISO 18000-6C
EPC: 496 bitar / 128 bitar
notandi minni: Allt að 512 bitar
TIME: 96 bitar
aðgangur Key: 32 bitar
Varanleg Bilun Key: 32 bitar
lestur Fjarlægð: 1~ 6m eftir tegund lesandi og umhverfi

Umhverfis Upplýsingar
Operation Temperature:-50℃ ~ + 200 ℃
Geymslu hiti:-50℃ ~ + 200 ℃
Extreme geymsla Hitastig:-60℃ ~ + 250 ℃
IP einkunn: IP68
raki: 85%RH

PCB Material UHF Anti-metal Tag is suitable for adhering to the metal surface and working RFID tags, PCB material encapsulated, the antenna is a specially designed internal circuit, the chip is welded on the antenna and epoxy potting protection. This label affixed to the surface of metal objects can still achieve the workability of ordinary RFID tags attached to the surface of wooden objects, cartons and other objects, and has great application value.
PCB UHF anti-metal tag can be encapsulated within the different UHF chip and different UHF antenna, which have different read-write distance and characteristics, but overall, compared with high-frequency tag with a read distance, anti-collision ability, induction Fast speed and other characteristics, but also durable and can be used in harsh environments. Can be widely applied to logistics management, vöru mælingar, product security, lagerstjórnun, production control, vehicle management, etc. Til dæmis: dangerous-Gas cylinder management; power-industry inspection management, the resistant to harsh high temperature PCB anti-metal tag can be used in high-temperature industrial production lines, have a good operating experience.

Valfrjáls forskriftarstærð: þvermál 10×3mm, þvermál 20×1mm, 10× 3.5 × 1mm, 12× 4 × 1.6mm, 12× 7 × 1,6 mm, 12× 7 × 2,5 mm, 17× 9 × 1,6 mm, 22×8×2,5 mm, 25× 9 × 2,5 mm, 18×8×2,5 mm, 36× 13 × 2,5 mm, 40× 10 × 2,5 mm, 50× 20 × 3mm, 50× 25 × 1 mm, 51× 36 × 7 mm, 52× 13 × 2,5 mm, 60× 25 × 3,4 mm, 79× 20 × 3mm, 80× 12 × 3 mm, 90× 11 × 3 mm, 95X 25 x 3mm. Getur sérsniðið stærð forskriftarinnar.

Exquisite form, capable of long reading distance
Exceptional durability on metal surfaces
Ultra high temperature resistance
Ultra low temperature resistance

BY5136 is a UHF passive tag with excellent performance while tracking metal assets, especially in harsh environments, eins og:
framleiðsla: molds, spare parts which need ultra high temperature processing
Automobile: automotive part painting and heating
High-temperature processing production lines

Exquisite form, capable of long reading distance
Exceptional durability on metal surfaces
Ultra high temperature resistance
Ultra low temperature resistance


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Kannski þú vilt líka

  • Þjónusta okkar

    RFID / IOT / Access Control
    LF / HF / UHF
    Card / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Armband / Keychain
    R / W Tæki
    RFID lausn
    OEM / ODM

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