fyzické parametre
veľkosť (mm) 51x36x7mm (2,01×1.42xO.28inch)
spôsob montáže: skrutky
materiál: FR4, vystužený nylon
elektronické Špecifikácie
Čip: Impinj Monza 4E, 4QT
prevádzková frekvencia: 902~ 928MHz(US)
865~ 868 MHz(US)
komunikačný protokol: EPC Global C1 Gen2, ISO 18000-6C
EPC: 496 bitov / 128 bitov
užívateľská pamäť: až k 512 bity
TIME: 96 bity
Prístupový kľúč: 32 bity
Permanentný Failure Key: 32 bity
čítacia vzdialenosť: 1~ 6 m v závislosti od typu čítačky a životné prostredie
Špecifikácia prostredia
Prevádzková teplota:-50℃ ~ + 200 ℃
skladovacia teplota:-50℃ ~ + 200 ℃
Extrémne teploty skladovacie:-60℃ ~ + 250 ℃
krytie: IP68
vlhkosť: 85%RH
PCB Material UHF Anti-metal Tag is suitable for adhering to the metal surface and working RFID tags, PCB material encapsulated, the antenna is a specially designed internal circuit, the chip is welded on the antenna and epoxy potting protection. This label affixed to the surface of metal objects can still achieve the workability of ordinary RFID tags attached to the surface of wooden objects, cartons and other objects, and has great application value. PCB UHF anti-metal tag can be encapsulated within the different UHF chip and different UHF antenna, which have different read-write distance and characteristics, but overall, compared with high-frequency tag with a read distance, anti-collision ability, induction Fast speed and other characteristics, but also durable and can be used in harsh environments. Can be widely applied to logistics management, product tracking, product security, skladové hospodárstvo, production control, riadenie vozidiel, atď. Napríklad: dangerous-Gas cylinder management; power-industry inspection management, the resistant to harsh high temperature PCB anti-metal tag can be used in high-temperature industrial production lines, have a good operating experience.
Optional specification size: diameter 10×3mm, diameter 20×1mm, 10X 3,5 x 1 mm, 12× 4 × 1,6 mm, 12×7×1.6mm, 12×7×2.5mm, 17×9×1.6mm, 22×8×2.5mm, 25×9×2.5mm, 18×8×2.5mm, 36×13×2.5mm, 40×10×2.5mm, 50× 20 × 3 mm, 50×25×1mm, 51×36×7mm, 52×13×2.5mm, 60×25×3.4mm, 79× 20 × 3 mm, 80×12×3mm, 90×11×3mm, 95× 25 × 3 mm. Can customize the specification size.
Hlavná prednosť Exquisite form, capable of long reading distance Exceptional durability on metal surfaces Ultra high temperature resistance Ultra low temperature resistance
aplikácia BY5136 is a UHF passive tag with excellent performance while tracking metal assets, especially in harsh environments, ako je:
výrobné: molds, spare parts which need ultra high temperature processing Automobile: automotive part painting and heating High-temperature processing production lines
Exquisite form, capable of long reading distance Exceptional durability on metal surfaces Ultra high temperature resistance Ultra low temperature resistance
Konkurenčná výhoda:
skúsený tím;
vynikajúca kvalita;
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ODM a OEM výrobky podľa priania zákazníka.