Customizable personalized options: specifications and dimensions, калыңдыгы, материал, түс, IC чип, RF жыштыгы, block writing data, surface printing LOGO, pattern or serial number, QR коду, жана башкалар.
Негизги техникалык параметрлер Протокол: EPC Class1 Gen2,ISO 18000-6C Иш жыштыгы: 860~960MHz IC чип: Alien Higgs 3 or specify Memory: EPC 96бит(480 битке чейин), Колдонуучу 512бит, TID64bit Иштөө режими: Read/Write Applicable surface: outdoor pavement or wall surface Fixed reader read range(30dBm/8dBi): 5.5m Handheld reader read range(R2000/3dBi): 80см Өлчөм: 121*121*6мм Материал: Special plastics Түс: Green or customized Салмагы: 95г Mounting methods: Buried in cement or screw fixation IP rating: IP68 Иштөө температурасы: -20°C~+110°C Сактоо температурасы: -30°C~+120°C
The RFID concrete tag is a chip with radio frequency (RFID) function implanted in the concrete test block, writes the corresponding concrete information data, through the corresponding data collection module, processing data module, transmission data module, and display data module to achieve The remote monitoring of concrete data prevents data fraud. Азыркы учурда, RFID technology has gradually been used in the product information management of cement plants to improve the management level of cement quality system, reduce management costs, and enhance the indispensable technology and management methods of core competitiveness. RFID buried electronic tags can be applied inside cement components, the installation depth is about 3cm, the water content will affect the reading distance, and the construction rebar will also affect the reading performance.
Product application areas: warehouse floor mark, construction wall management, municipal engineering, sidewalks, slow and fast lanes directly buried, underground pipeline location information mark, well covers, shallow trenches, tunnel cables, field pipelines, subways, gas cylinders, steel cylinders, жана башкалар. Hazardous chemicals management, oil and gas pipeline mark, product mark, electronic maps, can also be used alone for direction mark.