RFID, na aiza na aiza eto amin'izao tontolo izao.

Karatra fiarovana ID

» RFID Card » Karatra fiarovana ID

  • Specifications
  • Description
  • Aviable Crafts

Main masontsivana ara-teknika
Packageable RF sôkôlà: EM4102, TK4100, EM4200, M1 S50, FM11F08, vahiny I3, SLE4442, etc..
RF matetika: LF / HF / UHF
Fitaovana marika marika: PET
Fametahana karatra: PVC/PET/PETG/Polycarbonate/ABS/Paper
Card habe: 85.5×54×0.80mm or customized

Anti-counterfeit portrait cards are plastic cards that are extremely difficult to copy, and can hardly be said to be copied. Anti-counterfeit portrait cards are generally used for ID cards, bank cards, credit cards, employee cards, etc., but there are many other places in addition to these The anti-counterfeiting card mainly depends on whether the card needs to be made anti-counterfeiting. The anti-counterfeit card not only can play a good role in anti-copying, but also can be customized with various shapes of anti-counterfeiting icons, such as LOGO, lahatsoratra, various graphics, and other processes except anti-counterfeiting are the same as making ordinary plastic cards.
Although the anti-counterfeit card is good, the production process is more difficult, so the price is very high. Now many people have paid more and more attention to the prevention of counterfeiting such as intellectual property rights or trademarks, so anti-counterfeiting security is indispensable. Government agencies and large groups will make anti-counterfeit plastic cards, and people will pay more and more attention to the special security and anti-counterfeiting effects of laser anti-counterfeit cards.
Ny mari-pamantarana manohitra ny sandoka mafana dia marika manohitra ny sandoka vita amin'ny alàlan'ny teknolojia fanaovana takelaka hologram miloko laser sy ny teknolojia famolavolana marina., ary fitambaran'ireo teknolojia samihafa manohitra ny hosoka holografika optika + positioning hot stamping. Ny etikety anti-hosoka holographic dia miavaka amin'ny endrika mahafinaritra, toetra miavaka, super anti-hosoka sy loko maro loko.
Ny karazana anti-hosoka tamin'ny laser holographic anti-hosoka sarimihetsika: mahazatra manohitra ny sandoka, laser encryption manohitra ny sandoka, Optical variable anti-hosoka, convex sy concave anti-hosoka, micro demagnify manohitra ny hosoka sy ny sisa.

fanontam-pirinty: Fanontam-pirinty offset, Patone ink Printing, Fanontam-pirinty misy loko, Pirinty natao tamin'ny Silkscreen, mafana pirinty, Ranomainty-fiaramanidina pirinty, Digital pirinty.
Security endri-javatra: Modèle, Laser ablation, Hologram / OVD, UV ranomainty, Optical Variable ranomainty, Zavatra tsy barcode / Barcode saron-tava, Graded Rainbow, Micro-text, Guilloche, Hot stamping.
Ny hafa: Fanombohana / Encryption data chip chip, Data Data, Andriamby mivatra manokana programed, Signature takelaka, Barcode, Nomeraon-tandahatra, Embossing, død fehezan-dalàna, NBS convex fehezan-dalàna, Dié-Hetezo.

Angamba tianao koa

  • ny Service

    RFID / IoT / Access Control
    LF / HF / UHF
    Card / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Wristband / Keychain
    R / W Device
    RFID Vahaolana
    OEM / ODM

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