RFID, pese pese pasirese.

Chengetedzo ID Kadhi

» RFID Kadhi » Chengetedzo ID Kadhi

  • Magadzirirwo
  • Tsananguro
  • Aviable Crafts

Main technical parameters
Packageable RF chips: EM4102, TK4100, EM4200, M1 S50, FM11F08, akasungwa chip models, SLE4442, etc..
RF frequency: LF / HF / UHF
Holographic label material: PET
Card material: PVC/PET/PETG/Polycarbonate/ABS/Paper
Saizi yekadhi: 85.5×54×0.80mm or customized

Anti-counterfeit portrait cards are plastic cards that are extremely difficult to copy, and can hardly be said to be copied. Anti-counterfeit portrait cards are generally used for ID cards, bank cards, credit cards, employee cards, etc., but there are many other places in addition to these The anti-counterfeiting card mainly depends on whether the card needs to be made anti-counterfeiting. The anti-counterfeit card not only can play a good role in anti-copying, but also can be customized with various shapes of anti-counterfeiting icons, such as LOGO, text, various graphics, and other processes except anti-counterfeiting are the same as making ordinary plastic cards.
Although the anti-counterfeit card is good, the production process is more difficult, so the price is very high. Now many people have paid more and more attention to the prevention of counterfeiting such as intellectual property rights or trademarks, so anti-counterfeiting security is indispensable. Government agencies and large groups will make anti-counterfeit plastic cards, and people will pay more and more attention to the special security and anti-counterfeiting effects of laser anti-counterfeit cards.
The hot stamping anti-counterfeit label is an anti-counterfeiting label made by laser color hologram plate making technology and precise molding technology, and a combination of various optical holographic anti-counterfeiting technologies + positioning hot stamping. The holographic anti-counterfeit label is characterized by exquisite patterns, unique personality, super anti-counterfeiting and colorful colors.
The anti-counterfeiting type of laser holographic anti-counterfeiting film: ordinary anti-counterfeiting, laser encryption anti-counterfeiting, optical variable anti-counterfeiting, convex and concave anti-counterfeiting, micro demagnify anti-counterfeiting and so on.

Kudhinda: Kudhinda neoffset, Patone ink Printing, Spot-ruvara kudhinda, Kupurinda kweSilkscreen, Thermal kudhinda, Ink-jet kudhinda, Kudhinda kwedhijitari.
Kuchengetedzwa maficha: Watermark, Laser ablation, Hologram / OVD, UV inki, Optical Variable ingi, Yakavanzwa barcode / Barcode mask, Muraraungu wakarongedzwa, Micro-zvinyorwa, Guilloche, Hot stamping.
Vamwe: IC chip data kutanga / Encryption, Variable Data, Yakagadzirirwa magineti mutsara, Signature pani, Barcode, Siriyero nhamba, Nekusimbisa, nebefu, Kodhi yeDOD, NBS kodhi yekodhi, Kufa.

Zvimwe unodawo

  • Basa Redu

    RFID / IoT / Kuwana Kudzora
    LF / HF / UHF
    Kadhi / Tag / Inlay / Chinyorwa
    Wristband / Keychain
    R / W Mudziyo
    RFID Solution
    OEM / ODM

  • Kambani

    Dhinda & Midhiya
    Nhau / Blogs
    Mipiro & Ongororo
    Chirongwa Chekubatana

  • Taura nesu

    Runhare:0086 755 89823301