Commonly used chip: NTAG 203, NTAG 213, NTAG 215, НТАГ216, FM11RF08, Ултралесни, Ултралесно C, I code SLI-X, Desfire 4K/8K,итн. Frequency range: 13.0MHz~14.5MHz
Стандард на протокол: ISO/IEC14443-A, ISO15693
Меморија: according to the chip Commonly used size: 4×12mm, 5×12mm, 9×17mm, 10× 10 мм, 8×16mm, Φ6mm, Φ8mm, Φ10mm, итн. Can customized
Дебелина: 0.15~0.25mm Thickness with glue: 1.0~1.3mm Substrate material: МИЛЕНИК, PI,итн Antenna technology: copper etching + plating
Процес на капсулација: COB Surface material: FPC Appearance features: flexible label
Работен режим: R/W Read/write range: 1~ 6 см Read/write times: 100000 времиња
Работна температура: -25℃~+95℃
Температура на складирање: 0℃~+25℃
The HBN-F series FPC material RFID (NFC) tag is an electronic tag made from a flexible printed circuit board. The biggest difference between it and the rigid PCB material is that it is light, thin, soft, and can be bent. Затоа, it is more suitable for occasions where daily bending is likely to occur.
Главна карактеристика Lightweight and convenient, soft High reliable EEPROM reading and writing controller
Апликации It can be used for small-size product asset management, wearable devices NFC tags, NFC rings, toy electronic tags, cameras, drugs and other security tags, контрола на пристап, hotel door locks, управување со заедницата, subway tickets / city bus, highway toll system, Consumer system, membership management system, campus library, student ID, идентификација, payment, итн. NFC application: control alarm clock, night mode, WIFI, ring volume, Bluetooth pairing, безбедност, anti-fake, startup, итн.