PC- (polycarbonate) is a new thermoplastic engineering plastic, polycarbonate having excellent performance of electrical insulation and mechanical properties, especially the impact resistance performance of the most prominent, хатуу, high toughness, allowing the use of a wide range of temperature (-100℃ ~ + 130 ℃ байна), the transparency of up to 90%, known as the transparent metal, flame retardant good performance, green non-toxic, easy processing molding. PC materials are mainly used in the field of smart cards to make green high-end IC cards. The use of PC material for manufacturing RFID chip card, өндөр температурт тэсвэртэй,in the environment of high temperature will not bend, non-toxic environmental protection, үзэсгэлэнтэй, бат бөх. You can create all kinds of size, thickness and shape, surface can be silk screen pattern, лого, QR код, серийн дугаар.
ердийн програмууд Кредит карт, bank card, , урьдчилсан төлбөрт карт, passport, Нэг карт шийдэл, үнэмлэх, Аюулгүй байдлын ID & Үндэсний үнэмлэх & Жолоочийн үнэмлэх, аж ахуйн нэгж / кампус карт, автобусны карт, замын хураамж, зогсоол, орон нутгийн удирдлага, Шатахуун түгээх станцууд, low temperature and high temperature operating environments,гэх мэт.