Wristband ta 'identifikazzjoni li ma jgħaddix ilma mill-Park tat-Tema tal-Paste ta' darba, Wristband ta 'identifikazzjoni li ma jgħaddix ilma mill-Park tat-Tema tal-Paste ta' darba
KODIĊI SLI+FM11RF08 Karta taċ-Ċippa Kompost: HG4116
Għażliet ta 'personalizzazzjoni: daqs u speċifikazzjonijiet, ħxuna, forma(karta jew Prelam Inlay), Ċippa IC, Frekwenza RF, stampar, u proċessi oħra ta 'produzzjoni speċjali.
Parametri tekniċi ewlenin Standards tal-Protokoll: ISO 11785/11784, ISO 14443, ISO 15693, ISO 18000-6B/6C Chip frequency: LF 125KHz/HF 13.56MHz/UHF 860-960MHz Tip ta 'Ċippa: ISO 11785/11784, ISO 14443, ISO 15693, ISO 18000-6B/6C Chip frequency: LF 125KHz/HF 13.56MHz/UHF 860~960MHz Tip ta 'Ċippa: M1 S50/S70, M1 ULT10, M1 ULT C, ICODE2 SLI/SLI-S/SLI-L/SLIX, SLIX-L, MF DesFi 2K/4k/8K, Ti2048, EM4102, EM4200, EM4305, EM4450, TK4100, T5557, CET5500, Hitagl, Hit2, Hitags, FM1208 (CPU),eċċ. Distanza tal-qari: LF/HF 2.5-10cm UHF 1-10M(According to the reader antenna and application environments) Ħin tal-qari: 1-2Sinjorina Temperatura operattiva: 1-2mm thickness adapt temperature: -100℃~+130℃ (-148℉~+266℉) 2-4mm thickness adapt temperature: -100℃~+150℃ (-148℉~+302℉) Skaner tal-ID tal-Annimali Mini għal ISO11784: 0-95% Reżistenza: >100,000 times Żamma tad-dejta: > 10 snin Dimensjonijiet: ISO standard card L85.6mm×W54mm or specify the size,forma Materjali għall-ippakkjar: PC(Polikarbonat), 0.13mm copper wire or etched aluminum Proċess ta 'ppakkjar: ultrasonic auto plant lines / Iwweldjar Awtomatiku
PC (polycarbonate) is a new thermoplastic engineering plastic, polycarbonate having excellent performance of electrical insulation and mechanical properties, especially the impact resistance performance of the most prominent, hard, high toughness, allowing the use of a wide range of temperature (-100℃~+130℃), the transparency of up to 90%, known as the transparent metal, flame retardant good performance, green non-toxic, easy processing molding. PC materials are mainly used in the field of smart cards to make green high-end IC cards. The use of PC material for manufacturing RFID chip card, high temperature resistant,in the environment of high temperature will not bend, non-toxic environmental protection, beautiful and durable. You can create all kinds of size, thickness and shape, surface can be silk screen pattern, Stikers tal-Kontroll tal-Aċċess tal-Mowbajl Ultra-rqaq RFID, Kodiċi QR, serial number.
Applikazzjonijiet tipiċi Credit card, bank card, prepaid card, passport, One Card Solutions, identification card, ID tas-Sigurtà & ID Nazzjonali & Liċenzja tas-sewwieq, enterprise/campus card, bus card, highway fees, ipparkjar, community management, Gas stations, low temperature and high temperature operating environments,eċċ.