RFID, mana-mana di dunia.

Kad JAVA/Kad CPU/Kad Antaramuka Dwi

» Kad RFID » Kad JAVA/Kad CPU/Kad Antaramuka Dwi

sentuh ISO 14443 Kad Protokol TypeB, sentuh ISO 14443 Protokol TypeB Kad CPU

Kad JAVA/Kad CPU/Kad Antaramuka Dwi , , , ,

Pruduct model: HC317

Compatible with ISO14443 Type B-1/2/3/4, T = CL; Can customize your COS.

  • spesifikasi
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  • Crafts aviable

Parameter teknikal utama
kekerapan: 13.56MHz
Kapasiti storan: 640Kbits
Membaca dan menulis masa: 4CIK
penderiaan jarak: 3.8cm
kehidupan pemadaman: 100000 kali
spesifikasi: 8.5× 5.7 × 0.86mm
bahan: PVC putih

The contactless ISO 14443 TypeB protocol CPU cards was developed and produced by Seabreeze Smart Card Co., Ltd. Each card can be customized to have a different UID, or each card has the same UID. The card is suitable for testing by ATM manufacturers, POS manufacturers, and Reader manufacturers.

Contactless card
Use ISO14443 TypeB communication protocol (compatible with ISO14443 Type B-1/2/3/4, T = CL)
Reading and writing range 0~10cm. Is the best Type B card with the best sensing range on the market currently
Supports a maximum communication rate of 424 kbit / s. Many different communication rates can be configured.
Support simulation qPBOC command test. (Test POS machine, ATM machine, read-write module supports PBOC3.0 standard ISO14443 Type B protocol)
Can customize your COS
Good price, stable reading and writing, price concessions

percetakan: Percetakan Offset, Pencetakan dakwat Patone, Percetakan bintik-warna, Printing silkscreen, percetakan haba, percetakan dakwat-jet, percetakan digital.
Ciri-ciri keselamatan: Watermark, laser ablation, Hologram / OVD, dakwat UV, dakwat ubah optik, kod bar tersembunyi / topeng Barcode, Graded Rainbow, Micro-teks, Guilloche, panas setem.
lain-lain: Permulaan / Penyulitan data cip IC, Data Pembolehubah, Jalur magnetik peribadi diprogramkan, panel tandatangan, Barcode, Nombor siri, embossing, kod DOD, NBS kod cembung, Die-cut.

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