Possible options: FM1208-9 chip or FM1208-10 chip, boleh dibungkus ke: kad putih, kad warna bercetak, kad bentuk rupa yang ditentukan, Crystal Epoxy material tag, keychain or wristband.
Parameter teknikal utama cip IC: FM1208-9 / FM1208-10 memori: sepenuhnya 8K CPU / 7K CPU + 1K Mifare1 kekerapan: 13.56MHz piawaian protokol: IEC / ISO 14443 Jenis A kelajuan komunikasi: 106Kboud membaca jarak: 5~ 10cm R / masa W: 1~ 2ms Suhu bekerja: -20° C ~ + 85 ° C Ketahanan: >100,000 kali pengekalan data: >10 tahun saiz: CR80 85.5 × 54 × 0.80mm atau saiz tag tidak standard bahan: PVC, PET, PETG, ABS, polikarbonat, kertas, 0.13dawai mm tembaga Proses pengeluaran: Ultrasonik garisan kilang auto, Welding automatik
With the development of RFID and the advancement of production technology, the cost of the CPU card is further reduced, and it can be used more widely. The Mifare1 card of ISO 14443 TypeA is currently easily copied on the market. The CPU cards have the advantage of not being able to crack and clone data. The CPU card can be applied to many fields such as finance, and has the characteristics of large user space, fast reading speed, and support for one card multipurpose. The CPU card is different from the ordinary IC card and RF card in terms of appearance, but the performance is greatly improved, and the security is much higher than that of the ordinary IC card. Usually, the CPU card contains a random number generator, hardware DES, 3DES encryption algorithm. dan lain-lain., with the operating system, the on-chip OS, also known as COS, can achieve a financial level of security. Oleh itu, low-cost CPU cards have become the first choice for access control and prepaid cards. The FM1208-9 and FM1208-10 chip cards are the most widely used CPU chips on the market. They can be widely used in access control, elevator control, pengenalan, AIDC, campus card, water card, kad pra bayar, dan lain-lain. , has the advantage of low cost and easy operation.
aplikasi utama Bus cards AIDC project penggunaan Prepaid cards Campus cards Water cards Satu Kad Solutions kad kawalan akses Elevator control pengenalan
percetakan: Percetakan Offset, Pencetakan dakwat Patone, Percetakan bintik-warna, Printing silkscreen, percetakan haba, percetakan dakwat-jet, percetakan digital. Ciri-ciri keselamatan: Watermark, laser ablation, Hologram / OVD, dakwat UV, dakwat ubah optik, kod bar tersembunyi / topeng Barcode, Graded Rainbow, Micro-teks, Guilloche, panas setem. lain-lain: Permulaan / Penyulitan data cip IC, Data Pembolehubah, Jalur magnetik peribadi diprogramkan, panel tandatangan, Barcode, Nombor siri, embossing, kod DOD, NBS kod cembung, Die-cut.