NXP Mifare Plus S/X Chip, high level security, mainly used for automatic payment and access control systems, can also be used for dual interface RFID cards.
chip: NXP Mifare Plus S/X (MF1SPLUSx0y1/MF1PLUSx0y1)
EEPROM: 2K/4K Bytes
Frecuencia funcionamiento: 13.56Mhz Safety certification: AES
Estándares ar Nthuts'i nkohi: ISO/IEC 14443A Communication rate: 106Kbps-848Kbps
Rango de R/W: 2.5~ cm
Ar pa R/W: 1-5ms
Tsoxpa 'be̲fi: -20°C~+55°C
Resistencia: > 200,000 ya 'nandi
Almacenamiento datos: >10 ya je̲ya
Tamaño ar tarheta: ISO standard card 85.6×54×0.80mm, or customized Card material: PVC/ABS/PET/PETG/Paper, 0.13mm ar alambre cobre
Proceso encapsulación: automatic ultrasonic automatic plant line, touch welding
MIFARE Plus brings benchmark security to mainstream contactless smart card applications. It is the only mainstream IC compatible with MIFARE Classic offering a seamless upgrade path, with minimal effort, for existing infrastructure and services.
Mifare Plus S/X Chip for price sensitive bus automatic payment and access control system, Mifare Plus breakthrough significance in terms of security and performance. Relative to the Mifare Classic, Mifare Plus a higher level of security. Mifare Plus chip is the first generation dual interface card chip. Higher security is the core of the Mifare Plus advantages. It uses the length of a 128bit key authentication and encryption AES algorithm. Ma xkagentho ar pa, the Mifare Plus on architecture also contains a series of other security features, ngu, Mifare Plus at the same time use random card serial number (RIDs) and 7bytes (UIDs) global unique serial number, can be used to protect the user's information. Mifare Plus has including the advanced encryption standard (AES) encryption technology, multiple security, at the same time can help customers from the current Mifare Classic deployment is convenient to upgrade, after the system upgrade, the operator can easily will rise card security level, without the card issuer. Compatible with both the Mifare IC S50 and Mifare IC S70 cards, compatible with NFC technology, the increased security. Mifare Plus divided into S (Estándar) and X (enhanced) two versions, each version distribution has 2k and 4k storage capacity of two models. Provide white card, 4C*2 printing card, paper sticker, key chain, Pulseras, TOKEN, and there are many kinds of sizes and the thin or thick.
control nthogi, Ar pa ne ar asistencia, asistencia da 'yot'e ya Hmunts'i, identificación, logística, automatización industrial, ndunthe ya xe̲ni he̲'mi ar membresía, ngu cantina, 'ma̲i ár, tarheta tokens bus, clubes ne ma'ra productos electrónicos consumo, entradas electrónicas, identificación me̲ti, seguimiento ya 'befi, gestión lavandería, a variety of card and so on.
Ventaja competitiva:
Ya jä'i experimentado;
Excelente ar hño;
Xi hño ya precio;
Entrega ngut'a;
Nar dätä hño mfeni ne 'nar nt'ot'e ho 'bui ndunthe gama productos;
Mä hä pedidos t'olo;
Productos ODM ne ar OEM nä'ä mä ar demanda ar cliente.
imprenta: Impresión offset, Impresión ko tinta Patone, Impresión jar njät'i planos, Serigrafía, Impresión térmica, Impresión chorro tinta, Impresión 'bede.
Características nsu: filigrana, Ablación láser, Holograma yá OVD, Tinta UV, Tinta variable óptica, Máscara oculta código barras yá código ya barras, Ar nsä'mi 'be̲jini calificado, Micro-texto, Guilloche, Hot stamping.
Ma 'ra: Inicialización yá cifrado ya datos chip IC, Datos variables, Me̲'bida magnética personalizada programada, Panel firmas, código barras, 'bede ya serie, Realzando, Código dod, Código convexo NBS, Acérrimos.