RFID, peste tot în lume.

Card Around / Accesorii

» Card Around / Accesorii

  • Deținătorul de automobile card IC, Automobile card IC Titular fix, Deținătorul Smart Card

    Card Around / Accesorii , , , , ,

    Modelul produsului: F273-X/F273-J

    The Smart IC Card Holder can be conveniently mounted on the glass of an automobile, allowing the RF Reader to perform at its best.

    • Specificații
    • Descriere

    Deținătorul ventuze Tip card IC
    parametrii produsului
    Model: F273-X
    Material produs: ABS / PC rezistent la temperaturi ridicate
    culoarea produsului: Transparent, alb, alte culori
    Temperatura de lucru: -35℃ ~ + 75 ℃
    Temperatura de depozitare: -40℃ ~ + 80 ℃
    umiditatea de lucru: 0-95%
    Specificație: 90× 60 × 6.0mm, sau dimensiunea specificată
    Greutatea produsului: 12g

    3Holder M Pasteable Tip card IC
    Model: F273-J
    Material: ABS / PC rezistent la temperaturi ridicate
    Culoare: Transparent, gri, alb, alte culori
    Temperatura de lucru: -35℃ ~ + 75 ℃
    Temperatura de depozitare: -40℃ ~ + 80 ℃
    umiditatea de lucru: 0-95%
    Specificație: 90× 60 × 6.0mm, sau dimensiunea specificată
    Greutatea produsului: 12g
    Performanţă: o anumită distanță cu sticla, carte de citit stabilitate


    Smart IC card is mainly used for large-distance vehicle management, the installation fixed RFID cards, and other applications require fixed a standard cards. Appearance generous and practical, fixed simple, convenient to insert and take out the cards, usually adsorbed or attached to the inside of the windshield of the vehicle, it can be screwed to wood floors, shelves, walls and so on. IC card fixed holder has suction cups (adsorption cups) type holder and adhesive holder type can be selected.

    Deținătorul de automobile card IC, Automobile Smart Card Holder, Smart IC Card Fixed Holder, Car Suction Cups Type IC Card Holder, Automobile 3M Pasteable IC Card Holder, din SeabreezeRFID.com

    Method of Used:
    Deținătorul ventuze Tip card IC
    1, choose good smooth of surface, with cleaning tools to wipe clean
    2, to check whether there is dust or dirt, please go ahead to wipe clean
    3, will be suction cups press in smooth face off, all required cups outside edge in contact with the glass surface.
    4, along the outer Suction cups press with finger, make sure cups completely sealed with the glass surface.
    The front-side, left and right sides have holes, can use Suction cups or screws to fix them in the wood plate, shelves, walls, etc.
    The back-side is equipped with suction cups, can paste on the car window

    3Holder M Pasteable Tip card IC
    1, choose a smooth, flat surface, wipe clean with a wiping tool
    2, press the card seat on the smooth and flat working surface forcefully, and require that all the periphery be in contact with the glass surface
    3, press with your finger on the backing cartridge to ensure that the cartridge is fully adhered to the work surface.


    Poate iti place, de asemenea,

  • Serviciul nostru

    RFID / internetul obiectelor / Access Control
    LF / HF / UHF
    Card / Tag / mozaicar / Label
    Wristband / keychain
    R / W Dispozitiv
    Soluție RFID
    OEM / ODM

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