RFID, Všade vo svete.

identifikácia zvierat

» identifikácia zvierat

134.2KHz Desktop Animal Tag Emitent, ISO11784 / 11785, FDX-A / FDX-B Protocol Animal Tag Reader

identifikácia zvierat, LF / HF Reader , , ,

model produktu: RBT-1342D

Very simple and convenient Read/Write operating software.

  • technické údaje
  • popis

Technické parametre
kmitočet: 125KHz / 134.2KHz
Rozhranie: USB na sériový port, podpora prenosová rýchlosť 9600 ~ 115200
spôsob dekódovanie: Manchester RF / 64, Manchester RF / 32, Bi-fáza RF / 32
podpora funkcie: Podpora EM4305 chip čítať a písať operácie, poskytovať špecializovanú operačný rozhranie pre nastavenie EM4305 karty 125kHz občianskeho preukazu (EM4102) alebo FDX-B (ISO 11784 / ISO11785) zviera tag
Moc: USB napájaním
čítacia vzdialenosť: 0~ 6cm
indikácia stavu: 2-Indikácia farby LED, sila červenými, čitateľ green
Prevádzková teplota: -10℃ ~ + 70 ℃
skladovacia teplota: -20℃ ~ + 80 ℃
Relatívna vlhkosť: 0~ 95%
veľkosť: 110× 80 × 26mm alebo 105 × 70 × 12mm
farba: čierna

RBT-1342D is a member of Seabreeze Smart Card Co.,Ltd's 125KHz/134.2KHz low frequency tag reader. It is mainly used for animal tag manufacturers and end users to issue and test animal tags. Product circuits are rigorously optimized and tested to make performance more stable. High-quality program algorithms allow products to run efficiently and quickly complete the operations customers need. Using the USB data cable avoids the situation that the device does not support the serial port. V rovnakom čase, the stable power supply of USB makes the system more secure.

hlavné funkcie
Widely used in animal identification, Riadenie prístupu, identifikácia, hotels/Internet cafes/gyms, atď.
Can read and write EM4305 chip card
The EM4305 card can be set to an ID card in the EM4100 format, and the ID number is entered by the user himself or herself. teda, it is possible to perform a legal copy card function, which can be used in the regular production of the RF smart card factory
The EM4305 card can be set to an animal tag in the FDX-B (ISO11784 / ISO11785) formát, and the desired number can be entered by the user himself. teda, it is possible to perform a legal copy tag function, which can be used in the regular production of the animal tag factory.
Provides reading and writing software under Windows, and provides a dynamic link library for secondary development.

Možno, že sa vám páči tiež

  • naše služby

    RFID / IoT / Access Control
    LF / HF / UHF
    Card / deň / vložka / Label
    Potítko / kľúčenka
    R / W zariadení
    RFID riešenie
    OEM / ODM

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