RFID, povsod po svetu.

Card Okoli / Dodatki

» Card Okoli / Dodatki

Dobava TK4001 Chip Rezina, TK4001 Chip COB

Card Okoli / Dodatki , ,

TK4001 chip with stable performance, low cost significant features.

  • Tehnični podatki
  • Opis

Splošni parametri
Chip: Tajvan TK4001 COB / Rezina diska
Delovna frekvenca: 125KHz
Indukcijska daljavo: 8~ 20 cm
Delo vzorec: pasivno
Bralni 64bit (R / O)
embalaža slog: COB svet

TK4001 chips compatible with Swiss EM microelectronics EM4102 chip, compatible with TK4100 chip. Dobava TK4001 Chip Rezina, TK4001 Chip COB, TK4001 Chip compatible with EM4102 Chip, SeabreezeRFID Ltd.
TK4001 chips good quality, has dominated the market for many years. Has stable performance, read distance, defective rate is low, no weight code, etc. As a semi-finished products, suitable for all kinds of special tags and the manufacture of smart ID card, zapestnice, obesek za ključe,token.
TK4001 chips widely used in access control, identifikacija, product identification and other RF intelligent identification fields.

Morda vam je všeč tudi

  • Naša storitev

    RFID / internet stvari / Access Control
    LF / HF / UHF
    Card / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Zapestnica / Keychain
    R / W Naprava
    RFID Rešitev
    OEM / ODM

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