RFID, pese pese pasirese.

Kuwana Kudzora

» Hardware » Kuwana Kudzora

  • Magadzirirwo
  • Tsananguro

Muenzaniso: SMZ-711RW
Simba: DC 9~15V
Kushanda frequency: 433MHz
Receiving sensitivity: >-105dB
Remote control distance: 50 mamita (clearing without interference),this number is clearing to non- interference in the theoretical distance, because of the use of different environmental interference and walls to be reduced. Generally nominally about 10%-50% of the distance.
Saizi: 49×41×22mm

RF2WG Converter is designed to entrance guard system, expanding the wireless RF remote control signal to a standard Wiegand output, so that you can use the remote control to achieve long-distances to open closed operation, 433M or 315M open frequency, Wiegand output. Suitable for buildings, parking control, remote control to open the door, nezvimwewo.


Yemakwikwi Kubatsira:
Vanoziva Vashandi;
Unhu hwakanaka;
Mutengo wakanakisa;
Kurumidza kuendesa;
Huru kugona uye hwakasiyana zvigadzirwa;
Gamuchira diki diki;
ODM uye OEM zvigadzirwa zvinoenderana mutengi racho.


Zvimwe unodawo

  • Basa Redu

    RFID / IoT / Kuwana Kudzora
    LF / HF / UHF
    Kadhi / Tag / Inlay / Chinyorwa
    Wristband / Keychain
    R / W Mudziyo
    RFID Solution
    OEM / ODM

  • Kambani

    Dhinda & Midhiya
    Nhau / Blogs
    Mipiro & Ongororo
    Chirongwa Chekubatana

  • Taura nesu

    Runhare:0086 755 89823301