I-RFID, yonke indawo emhlabeni.
  • Imininingwane
  • Incazelo

Imodeli: SMZ-711RW
Power: DC 9~15V
Ukusebenza imvamisa: 433I-MHz
Receiving sensitivity: >-105dB
Remote control distance: 50 amamitha (clearing without interference),this number is clearing to non- interference in the theoretical distance, because of the use of different environmental interference and walls to be reduced. Generally nominally about 10%-50% of the distance.
Usayizi: 49×41×22mm

RF2WG Converter is designed to entrance guard system, expanding the wireless RF remote control signal to a standard Wiegand output, so that you can use the remote control to achieve long-distances to open closed operation, 433M or 315M open frequency, Wiegand output. Suitable for buildings, parking control, remote control to open the door, njll.


Inzuzo Yokuncintisana:
Abasebenzi Abanolwazi;
Ikhwalithi enhle kakhulu;
Intengo engcono kakhulu;
Ukulethwa okusheshayo;
Umthamo omkhulu kanye nohlu olubanzi lwemikhiqizo;
Yamukela i-oda elincane;
Imikhiqizo ye-ODM ne-OEM ngokwesidingo samakhasimende.


Mhlawumbe nawe uthanda

  • Izigaba zomkhiqizo

  • Yabelana nomngani

  • Inkonzo yethu

    I-RFID / IoT / Ukulawulwa Kokufinyelela
    LF / HF / UHF
    Ikhadi / Ithegi / Inlay / Ilebula
    I-Wristband / i-Keychain
    Idivayisi ye-R / W
    Isixazululo se-RFID
    I-OEM / i-ODM

  • Inkampani

    Mayelana NATHI
    Cindezela & Abezindaba
    Izindaba / Amabhulogi
    Imiklomelo & Ukubuyekeza
    Uhlelo Lokuxhumana

  • Xhumana nathi

    Ucingo:0086 755 89823301