model: F1790
patate të skuqura: H3 Alien + Mifare 1K S50(ose FM11RF08)
kujtim: 96bit / 512bit + 1KByte
Protokolli standard: ISO / IEC 18000-6C, EPC Class1 gen2, ISO 14443 TYPEA
frekuencë: 860~ 960MHz dhe 13.56MHz
Mënyra e punës: R / W
Distanca Induksioni: UHF: qëndrueshme lexim distance 6-8m (UHF Reader, P = 5W, 12DBI)
HF: 2~ 10cm
temperatura operative: -20℃ ~ + 70 ℃ (-4℉ - + 158 ℉)
durim: >100,000 kohët
Ruajtja e të dhënave: 10 vjet
madhësia Card: 85.5X 54 x 0.8mm
Materiale: PVC / PET / PETG / ABS / Letra,etj.
This is UHF+HF dual-frequency cards of Mifare 1K S50 and Alien Higgs3 RFID inlay encapsulation together, Can read two kinds of frequency at the same time. Adopt the frequency hopping work pattern, have the strong antijamming ability, the user can customize and read and write the standard data, make the special application system efficiency more quickly, the reading distance is more than 8 metra. 1024bits memory capacity, the global only 64 bits ID number, ultra-wide working frequency band design, not only meets relevant industry regulations, por gjithashtu mund të zhvillohet dhe zbatohet në mënyrë fleksibël, and can simultaneously read and write multiple tags (deri në 50 pieces/s or more) without Due to the limitation and influence of the number of tags in the work area, the 928-bit storage area allows users to perform encrypted read, shkruaj, erase and rewrite operations. It also opens up a dedicated dedicated character area dedicated to designated users. The Mifare 1K S50 chip can be replaced by the FM11RF08 (FM S50) patate të skuqura. FM11RF08 chip is made in China, it is fully compatible with Mifare 1K S50 chip, the same performance and features, with low cost advantages.
Aplikimet Vehicle management
Vend parkimi
Qasja e kontrollit Logistics Residential area
Supermarket Library
menaxhimi i aseteve
identifikim Personnel management
avantazh konkurrues:
stafit me përvojë;
cilësi të shkëlqyeshme;
Cmimi me i mire;
ofrimit të shpejtë;
kapacitet të madh dhe një gamë të gjerë të produkteve;
Prano qëllim të vogla;
ODM dhe OEM produkte sipas kërkesës së klientit.