РФИД, свуда у свету.

Картица са двоструким интерфејсом / вишефреквентна картица

» РФИД картица » Картица са двоструким интерфејсом / вишефреквентна картица

Мулти-фрекуенци Цард, РФИД Мулти-протоцол картица, Композитна РФ чип картица

Картица са двоструким интерфејсом / вишефреквентна картица , , , , , , ,

Модел производа: FS106

Can be combined with LF+HF+UHF+Magnetic Stripe.

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  • Авиабле Црафтс

Multi-frequency card standard card size: 85.5mm×54mm.
Non-standard card size: not 85.5mm×54mm, flat surface of the card.
Shaped card size: Various shapes, sizes and thicknesses, such as keychain or wristband shape.
Материјал: PVC/PET/PETG/ABS/Paper

Smart card chip with magnetic stripe card simple combination or the combination of the RF chip and contact chip, or high frequency chip, UHF chip of the three arbitrary simple combination of the two, and the simple combination of two kinds of protocol RF card. Is one of the high technical content, fully functional intelligent induction card,one card is multi-purpose. Mainly used in Bank, school, government departments,итд.

Common type of dual-frequency card
1, smart card with a magnetic strip card
Non-contact IC chip with a magnetic strip card compound: such as SLE5542+HiCO
Rf chip with a magnetic strip card compound: such as MF1 S50+LOCO
2, the radio frequency chip composite with non-contact IC chip
LF chip with non-contact IC chip composite: such as ID+SLE5542; T5577+SLE4442
HF chip and non-contact IC chip compound: such as MF1 S50+SLE5542
UHF chip and non-contact IC chip compound: such as GEN2 + СЛЕ5542; Legic+SLE4428
3, ЛФ, ХФ, UHF of the three arbitrary composite of the two: also called dual-frequency card.
LF card with HF composite:such as ID+MF1 S50; T5577+MF1 S50
LF card and UHF card combination: such as ID+GEN2
HF card and UHF compound: such as MF1 S50+GEN2
4, the LF card, ХФ картица, UHF card three compound: also called triple frequency card.
ЛФ картица, HF card and UHF card composite: such as ID+MF1 S50+GEN2
5, compound of HF card, two kinds of agreements:a machine as far as possible not to read at the same time with two chips in a composite card, in order to avoid interference.
ИСО 14443 composite card is A card with the ISO 14443 Б.: for example MF1 S50+THR1064
ИСО 14443 A card and ISO 14443 C composite: for example MF1 S50+SONY chip
ИСО 14443 A card and ISO 15693 compound: for example MF1 S50+TI 2048
ИСО 14443 A card and ISO 14443 F composite: for example MF1 S50+LEGIC MIM256
ИСО 14443 B card and 14443 C composite: such as THR1064+SONY chip
ИСО 14443 B card and ISO 15693 composite: such as THR1064+TI 2048
ИСО 15693 and ISO 14443 F card composite: such as TI 2048+LEGIC MIM256


Конкурентска предност:
Искусно особље;
Одличан квалитет;
Најповољнија цена;
Брза достава;
Велики капацитет и широк асортиман производа;
Прихватите малу поруџбину;
ОДМ и ОЕМ производи према захтевима купца.


Штампање: Офсет штампа, Сито штампа, Термичка штампа, Инк-јет штампање, Дигитална штампа.
Безбедносне функције: Водени жиг, Ласерска аблација, Холограм / ОВД, УВ мастило, Оптички променљиво мастило, Скривени бар код / ​​бар код маска, Градед Раинбов, Микро-текст.
Други: Иницијализација / шифровање података о чипу, Програмирана персонализована магнетна трака, Панел за потпис, Бар код, Серијски број, Искуцавање, ДОД код, Конвексни код НБС, Изрезан.

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    Наруквица / привезак
    Р / В уређај
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