Chip Features
اپریٹنگ فریکوئینسی: 13.56میگاہرٹز
حرکت نبض: 106Kbit/s Operating distance: not less than 10cm (antenna geometry) Half-duplex communication Compliance with ISO/IEC 14443-A M1 standard encryption algorithm A typical transaction time: <100محترمہ
4096×8bits of EEPROM memory cells
64 independent sectors with a security structure to support a variety of applications Access to the storage unit flexibly defined by the user according to their own requirements High security: triple security certification. Highly secure data communications. For hierarchical key systems within each sector to set up two separate sets of keys. Arithmetic functions: addition and subtraction operations can be performed High reliability:
زندگی مسح: > 100,000 اوقات
ڈیٹا برقرار رکھنا: > 10 سال
Cards parameters
کام کر رہے ہیں درجہ حرارت: -20℃ ~ 65 ℃
زندگی مسح: > 100,000 اوقات
ذخیرہ: > 10 سال
سائز: آئی ایس او معیاری کارڈ L 85.6 × W 54 × T 0.84(.4 0.4)ملی میٹر, or specify the size
مواد: پیویسی / ABS / پیئٹی / PETG / کاغذ, 0.13ملی میٹر تانبے کی تار
انکپسولیشن عمل: automatic ultrasonic automatic planting line/touch welding
FM S70 chip is Shanghai Fudan Microelectronics a non-contact IC card chip, capacity of 4K×8bits, in line with ISO14443-A protocol, operating frequency 13.56MHz, working distance of not less than 10cm.FM11RF32 chip compatible with MF1 IC S70 chip cards. FM S70 with triple security authentication, encryption embedded control and communication logic circuit, with a high security performance. Chips of 64 independent sectors, to meet more application, widely used in public transportation card, campus card and many other applications, large capacity projects.
مسابقتی فائدہ:
تجربہ کار عملے;
بہترین معیار;
بہترین قیمت;
روزہ کی ترسیل;
بڑی صلاحیت اور مصنوعات کی وسیع رینج;
چھوٹے حکم قبول;
ODM اور OEM مصنوعات کی کسٹمر کی مانگ کے مطابق.