I-RFID, yonke indawo emhlabeni.

Olunye Uhlobo lwekhadi / Ibheji

» Ikhadi le-RFID » Olunye Uhlobo lwekhadi / Ibheji

Ikhadi le-UID, Ikhadi Lekhodi Elihlanganisiwe le-UID, Ithegi ye-UID

Isigaba namathegi:
Olunye Uhlobo lwekhadi / Ibheji , , , , , ,

Imodeli yomkhiqizo: HL503

UID Card is the easiest and cheapest copy access control card.

  • Imininingwane
  • Incazelo
  • I-Aviable Crafts

Izinga lephrothokholi: ISO/IEC 14443A
Memory: 8kbit
kusuka ku-Seabreeze Smart Card Co., Ltd: 13.56I-MHz
Communication speed: 106kbit / s
Read and write distance: 2.5~ 10cm (according to the antenna size and reader)
Isikhathi sokufunda nokubhala: 0.1ms
Ukushisa okusebenzayo: -20+ ~ + 85 ℃ (humidity 90%)
Ukukhuthazela: >100,000 izikhathi
Ukugcinwa kwedatha: >10 iminyaka
Usayizi wekhadi: 85.5×54×0.80mm, customer specified size
Izinto zokwakha: I-PVC, I-ABS, I-PET, I-PETG, PHA, Iphepha, 0.13 copper wire
Inqubo ye-encapsulation: Ultrasonic wave auto plant lines, Ukushisela okuzenzakalelayo

UID cards, the card can repeatedly modified Mifare 1k S50 rewritable IC cards serial ID number, the sequence number used to copy can modify the IC card 0 sector 0 block of the Mifare 1k S50 blank card. Can repeatedly erased, the real IC copy blank cards.
Can modify the UID of Mifare card, Mifare 1K card, M1 card, S50 card.
UID cards can be changed 00 sector, namely can change the sequence number. The ordinary IC cards has been manufacturers solidification sequence number. Ibhulogi, sequence number of IC cards some access control to use as identification cards, must use UID cards to clone copy.
UID cloning chip can be made according to the needs of the project into a coin tag, key chain, wristband, token and other shapes.

The card is fully compatible with Mifare 1K S50 card.
Card block 0 (UID's block) can be edited, repeated modifications.
Block 0 directly using ordinary Mifare reader device modification, don't need special equipment.
Card of the default password for 12F, namely FFFFFFFFFFFF.

Entrance guard, ukulawula ukufinyelela, elevators card, game card, parking lot, Isixazululo sekhadi elilodwa, identity


Inzuzo Yokuncintisana:
Abasebenzi Abanolwazi;
Ikhwalithi enhle kakhulu;
Intengo engcono kakhulu;
Ukulethwa okusheshayo;
Umthamo omkhulu kanye nohlu olubanzi lwemikhiqizo;
Yamukela i-oda elincane;
Imikhiqizo ye-ODM ne-OEM ngokwesidingo samakhasimende.




Ukuphrinta: Ukuphrinta kwe-Offset, Ukuphrinta kwesikrini sikasilika, Ukuphrinta okushisayo, Ukuphrinta kwe-ink-jet, Ukuphrinta kwedijithali.
Izici zokuphepha: I-Watermark, Ukukhishwa kwe-Laser, Ihologram/OVD, Uyinki we-UV, I-Optical Variable inki, Imaski yebhakhodi/Ibhakhodi efihliwe, UThingo Lwebanga, Umbhalo omncane.
Abanye: Ukuqaliswa kwedatha ye-chip/Ukubethela, Umugqa kazibuthe owenziwe waba ngewakho, Iphaneli yesiginesha, Ibhakhodi, Inombolo yomkhiqizo, Embossing, Ikhodi ye-DOD, Ikhodi ye-convex ye-NBS, I-Die-cut.

Mhlawumbe nawe uthanda

  • Izigaba zomkhiqizo

  • Yabelana nomngani

  • Inkonzo yethu

    I-RFID / IoT / Ukulawulwa Kokufinyelela
    LF / HF / UHF
    Ikhadi / Ithegi / Inlay / Ilebula
    I-Wristband / i-Keychain
    Idivayisi ye-R / W
    Isixazululo se-RFID
    I-OEM / i-ODM

  • Inkampani

    Mayelana NATHI
    Cindezela & Abezindaba
    Izindaba / Amabhulogi
    Imiklomelo & Ukubuyekeza
    Uhlelo Lokuxhumana

  • Xhumana nathi

    Ucingo:0086 755 89823301