baku Protocol: ISO / IEC 14443A
ingetan: 8kbit
prekuensi: 13.56MHz
speed komunikasi: 106kbit / s
Maca jeung nulis jarak: 2.5~ 10cm (according to the antenna size and reader)
Maca jeung nulis waktu: 0.1Ibu
hawa gawe: -20℃ ~ + 85 ℃ (kandungan cai 90%)
kakuatan keur nahan: >100,000 kali
ingetan data: >10 taun
ukuran kartu: 85.5× 54 × 0.80mm, customer specified size
bahan: PVC, ABS, pepet, PETG, PHA, keretas, 0.13 kawat tambaga
Proses encapsulasi: Ultrasonic wave auto plant lines, las otomatis
UID cards, the card can repeatedly modified Mifare 1k S50 rewritable IC cards serial ID number, the sequence number used to copy can modify the IC card 0 sector 0 block of the Mifare 1k S50 blank card. Can repeatedly erased, the real IC copy blank cards. Can modify the UID of Mifare card, Mifare 1K card, M1 card, S50 card. UID cards can be changed 00 sector, namely can change the sequence number. The ordinary IC cards has been manufacturers solidification sequence number. Ku sabab kitu, sequence number of IC cards some access control to use as identification cards, must use UID cards to clone copy. UID cloning chip can be made according to the needs of the project into a coin tag, key chain, pinggel, token and other shapes.
Fitur The card is fully compatible with Mifare 1K S50 card. Card block 0 (UID's block) can be edited, repeated modifications. Block 0 directly using ordinary Mifare reader device modification, don't need special equipment. Card of the default password for 12F, namely FFFFFFFFFFFF.
Lamaran Entrance guard, aksés aksés, elevators card, game card, parkir, One Card Solution, identity
Kauntungan kalapa:
Staf anu ngalaman;
Kualitas alus teuing;
Harga pangsaéna;
Pangiriman gancang;
Kapasitas ageung sareng rupa-rupa produk;
Narima urutan leutik;
ODM sareng produk OEM numutkeun paménta konsumén.
pencitakan: Percetakan offset, Nyetak Silkscreen, Percetakan termal, Percetakan tinta-jet, Percetakan digital.
Fitur kaamanan: Watermark, Laser ablasi, Hologram / OVD, Tinta UV, Mangrup Variabel optik, Barkod disumputkeun / Barcode mask, Dipeunteun Pelangi, Téks mikro.
Anu sanésna: Inisialisasi data chip / Énkripsi, Garis magnét anu diprogram, Panel tandatangan, Kodeu barkod, Nomer séri, Embossing, Kodeu DOD, Kode cembung NBS, Paeh-teukteukan.