performance čip
Delovna frekvenca: 902~ 928MHz
UHF čip: Impinj Monza R6
Sporočilo protokol: EPC Class-1 Gen2, IEC / ISO 18000-6C
Branje in pisanje občutljivost: -12dBm (referenčna razdalja 5m ali več)
način delovanja: R / W
Chip spomin: Noben
ČAS: 96bitov
Koda za dostop: Noben
Kill geslo: Noben
Čas hrambe podatkov: 10 let
izbrisljivi krat: 100,000 krat
Fizikalne značilnosti
fizične mere: 98mm x 56mm x 5mm
Shell materiala: ABS
barva: bela
Utež: 50g
razred zaščite: IP65
Delovna temperatura: -40℃ ~ + 85 ℃
Rabljena: sling, visi vratu
Human Body Interference Resistance UHF Access Control Card is designed for personnel management design of a tag, the tag through the use of anti-human interference design ideas, the perfect solution to the ordinary white card by human interference performance degradation caused by the reader missed the phenomenon, the tag can be close to the human body without interference, in the entire system can effectively guarantee the same tag performance in order to run the system has a good user experience, can be easily used in schools, bolnišnice, venues, factories and other personnel management environment. Configuration UHF access card reader, Wiegand 34 output. Custom appearances based on people management projects.
aplikacije Campus, factories, bolnišnice, venues, vstopnice, koncerti, clubs, all kinds of venue staff management.
Konkurenčna prednost:
izkušeni Osebje;
odlična kakovost;
najnižja cena;
Hitra dostava;
Velika zmogljivost in široko paleto izdelkov;
Sprejmi majhna, da;
ODM in OEM izdelke v skladu z zahtevo kupca.