RFID, munduko leku guztietan.

JAVA txartela / CPU txartela

» RFID txartela » JAVA txartela / CPU txartela

Zerbitzu pertsonalizatuak ere eskain ditzake zure ideia eta behar esklusiboak asetzeko, Zerbitzu pertsonalizatuak ere eskain ditzake zure ideia eta behar esklusiboak asetzeko, Zerbitzu pertsonalizatuak ere eskain ditzake zure ideia eta behar esklusiboak asetzeko

JAVA txartela / CPU txartela , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Produktuen eredua: HC809

Possible options: FM1208-9 chip or FM1208-10 chip, can be packaged to: white card, printed color card, specified appearance shape card, Crystal Epoxy material tag, keychain or wristband.

  • Zehaztapenak
  • Deskribapena
  • Eskulangintza Aviable

Main Technical parameters
IC txipa: FM1208-9/FM1208-10
Memoria: fully 8K CPU/7K CPU+1K Mifare1
Maiztasuna: 13.56MHz
Protokolo estandarrak: IEC/ISO 14443 A mota
Komunikazio abiadura: 106Kboud
Reading distance: 5~10 cm
R/W ordua: 1~2 ms
Laneko tenperatura: -20°C~+85°C
Erresistentzia: >100,000 aldiz
Datuak gordetzea: >10 urteak
Neurria: CR80 85.5×54×0.80mm or non-standard size tag
Materialak: PVCa, PET, PETG, ABS, Polycarbonate, Papera, 0.13mm Copper wire
Production process: Ultrasonic auto plant lines, Automatic Welding

With the development of RFID and the advancement of production technology, the cost of the CPU card is further reduced, and it can be used more widely. The Mifare1 card of ISO 14443 TypeA is currently easily copied on the market. The CPU cards have the advantage of not being able to crack and clone data. The CPU card can be applied to many fields such as finance, and has the characteristics of large user space, fast reading speed, and support for one card multipurpose. The CPU card is different from the ordinary IC card and RF card in terms of appearance, but the performance is greatly improved, and the security is much higher than that of the ordinary IC card. Usually, the CPU card contains a random number generator, hardware DES, 3DES encryption algorithm. etab., with the operating system, the on-chip OS, also known as COS, can achieve a financial level of security. Horregatik, low-cost CPU cards have become the first choice for access control and prepaid cards. The FM1208-9 and FM1208-10 chip cards are the most widely used CPU chips on the market. They can be widely used in access control, elevator control, identifikazioa, AIDC, campus card, water card, prepaid card, etab. , has the advantage of low cost and easy operation.

Main applications
Bus cards
AIDC project
Prepaid cards
Campus cards
Water cards
One Card Solutions
Access control cards
Elevator control

Inprimaketa: Offset Inprimaketa, Patone tinta inprimatzea, Leku-koloreko inprimaketa, Serigrafia, Inprimaketa termikoa, Tinta-jetaren inprimaketa, Inprimaketa digitala.
Segurtasun ezaugarriak: Ur-marka, Laser ablazioa, Holograma/OVD, UV tinta, Aldagai optikoko tinta, Ezkutuko barra-kode/barra-kode maskara, Ostadarra mailakatua, Mikrotestua, Guilloche, Hot stamping.
Beste batzuk: IC txiparen datuen hasierako/enkriptatzea, Datu aldagaiak, Banda magnetiko pertsonalizatua programatuta, Sinadura panela, Barra-kodea, Serie zenbakia, Errepresioa, DOD kodea, NBS kode ganbila, Trokelatua.

Agian ere gustuko duzu

  • Produktuen Kategoriak

  • Partekatu lagunari

  • Gure Zerbitzua

    RFID / IoT / Sarbide Kontrola
    LF / HF / UHF
    Txartela / Etiketa / Inkrustazioa / Etiketa
    Eskumuturra / giltzatakoa
    I / G gailua
    RFID irtenbidea
    OEM / ODM

  • Enpresa

    Guri buruz
    Sakatu & Komunikabideak
    Albisteak / Blogak
    Sariak & Iritziak
    Kidea Programa

  • Jarri gurekin harremanetan

    Tel:0086 755 89823301