Sonraíochtaí Feidhme
prótacal cumarsáide: EPC Class1 GEN2, ISO18000-6C
minicíocht: Poist 902-928MHz / Poist 865-868MHz
cineál IC: Alien Higgs-3
cuimhne: 96bits EPC (Go dtí seo 480bits) , 512bits USER, TID64bits
Timthriallta scríobh: 100,000amanna
modh oibre: Léigh / scríobh
Coinneáil sonraí: Suas go 50 blianta
Dromchla Infheidhme: Dromchlaí Miotal
Léigh Raon(ar Metal):
Deisigh Reader(36DBM / 4W): Suas go dtí 30.0m – (Poist) 902-928MHz, ar miotail; Suas go dtí 28.0m – (Poist) 902-928MHz, ar miotail.
Suas go dtí 16.0m – (Poist) 865-868MHz, off miotal; Suas go dtí 14.0m – (Poist) 902-928MHz, off miotal
Léigh Raon(ar Metal):
Boise Reader(R2000,33dBm / 2W)
Suas go dtí 22.0m – (Poist) 902-928MHz, ar miotail; Suas go dtí 22.0m – (Poist) 902-928MHz, ar miotail.
Suas go dtí 11.0m – (Poist) 865-868MHz, off miotal; Suas go dtí 11.0m – (Poist) 865-868MHz, off miotal
Bharántas: 1 Bliain
Enivironmenal Sonraíocht
IP Rátáil: IP68
Teocht stóráil: -30° C ~ + 100 ° C
oibríocht Teocht: -20° C ~ + 80 ° C
The BY1342 model long distance 30 meters UHF anti-metal industrial tag has an operating frequency of either 902-928MHz(Poist) or 865-868MHz(Poist) and is based on the Alien Higgs-3 IC chip, which provides industry-leading performance and up to a 30 meters read range. The BY1342 UHF long distance anti-metal tag is IP68-rated, making it suitable for harsh outdoor environments as well as exposure to water and contaminants. BY1342 RFID long distance tags have an operating temperature range of -20°C to +80°C, and can be attached using high-performance adhesives, via a rivet hole, or using a cable tie. This BY1342 UHF long distance anti-metal tag is mainly used for large industrial equipment and logistics and vehicle tracking.
Iarratais Industry 4.0 Factory line management Vehicle tracking Fixed asset management RTI management Logistics management Instrument tracking management Medical device management