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Лонг Дистанце 30 Meters UHF Anti-metal Industrial Tag

Остала ознака против метала , , ,

Модел производа: BY1342

Тхе 30 meter long reading range is suitable for large industrial equipment and logistics and vehicle tracking projects.

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Functional Specifications
Комуникациони протокол: ЕПЦ Цласс1 Ген2, ИСО18000-6Ц
Фреквенција: US 902-928MHz / EU 865-868MHz
IC type: Alien Higgs-3
Меморија: EPC 96bits (Up to 480bits) , USER 512bits, TID64bits
Write Cycles: 100,000пута
Радни режим: Read/write
Data Retention: Up to 50 Years
Applicable Surface: Metal Surfaces
Read Range(On Metal):
Fix Reader(36dBm/4W): Up to 30.0m – (US) 902-928МХз, on metal; Up to 28.0m – (EU) 902-928МХз, on metal.
Up to 16.0m – (US) 865-868МХз, off metal; Up to 14.0m – (EU) 902-928МХз, off metal
Read Range(On Metal):
Handheld Reader(R2000,33dBm/2W)
Up to 22.0m – (US) 902-928МХз, on metal; Up to 22.0m – (EU) 902-928МХз, on metal.
Up to 11.0m – (US) 865-868МХз, off metal; Up to 11.0m – (EU) 865-868МХз, off metal
Warranty: 1 Year

Physical Specification
Величина: 130×42×10.5mm,(2 hole)
Материјал: АБС
Colour: Црно, Red, Blue, Green, бео
Тежина: 38.0г
Mounting Methods: Adhesive, Screw

Enivironmenal Specification
IP Rating: IP68
Температура складиштења: -30°C~+100°C
Operation Temperature: -20°C~+80°C

The BY1342 model long distance 30 meters UHF anti-metal industrial tag has an operating frequency of either 902-928MHz(US) or 865-868MHz(EU) and is based on the Alien Higgs-3 IC chip, which provides industry-leading performance and up to a 30 meters read range. The BY1342 UHF long distance anti-metal tag is IP68-rated, making it suitable for harsh outdoor environments as well as exposure to water and contaminants. BY1342 RFID long distance tags have an operating temperature range of -20°C to +80°C, and can be attached using high-performance adhesives, via a rivet hole, or using a cable tie.
This BY1342 UHF long distance anti-metal tag is mainly used for large industrial equipment and logistics and vehicle tracking.

Industry 4.0
Factory line management
Vehicle tracking
Fixed asset management
RTI management
Logistics management
Instrument tracking management
Medical device management

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