Chip: EM4102, EM4200, TK4100, EM4305, EM4450, T5577, Mifare 1k S50 or Compatible with FM11RF08
Tricead obrach: 125KHz/13.56MHz
Modh obrach: LF: Leughaidh a-mhàin; HF: R / W.
Astar inntrigidh: 2~ 10cm Inside serial number: 5 bytes
Seasmhachd: > 100,000 amannan
Glèidheadh dàta: >10 bliadhna
Meud:43× 30 × 5mm no 50 × 30 × 5mm, no gnàthachadh
Teòthachd obrach: -10℃ ~ + 70 ℃ Color options: buidhe, gorm, uaine, dearg, Dubh, msaa.
Stuth: ABS shell, Ultrasonic Plastic Welding
The LF 125KHz chip is a kind of cheap read-only applications, mainly used in the field of identification, because of the low price of the chip, so the application range is very wide.
Feartan: small and exquisite appearance, seasmhach, not off color. Can be hung on the key chain, furasta a ghiùlan. Measgachadh de stoidhlichean agus dathan airson taghadh. Surface printable ID code, Àireamh sònraichte, LOGO, pàtran, msaa.
Buannachd Farpaiseach:
Luchd-obrach eòlach;
Càileachd sàr-mhath;
Prìs as fheàrr;
Lìbhrigeadh luath;
Comas mòr agus raon farsaing de thoraidhean;
Gabh ri òrdugh beag;
Bathar ODM agus OEM a rèir iarrtas luchd-ceannach.