Chip: EM4102, EM4200, TK4100, EM4305, EM4450, T5577, Mifare 1k S50 or Compatible with FM11RF08
Ishlash chastotasi: 125KHz/13.56MHz Work mode: LF: Faqat o'qish; HF: R/W
Induksiya masofasi: 2~10 sm Inside serial number: 5 bayt
Chidamlilik: > 100,000 marta Data retention: >10 yillar
Hajmi:43×30×5mm or 50×30×5mm, or customized
Ishlash harorati: -10℃ ~ + 70 ℃ Color options: sariq, ko'k, yashil, qizil, qora, va boshqalar.
Materiallar: ABS shell, Ultrasonic Plastic Welding
The LF 125KHz chip is a kind of cheap read-only applications, mainly used in the field of identification, because of the low price of the chip, so the application range is very wide.
Xususiyatlari: small and exquisite appearance, durable, not off color. Can be hung on the key chain, olib yurish oson. A variety of styles and colors to choose from. Surface printable ID code, serial number, LOGO, pattern, va boshqalar.
Kirish nazorati, public transportation, parking lot, identity authentication, attendance management, tickets, One card solution paid, product identification, va boshqalar.
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Mijozning talabiga binoan ODM va OEM mahsulotlari.