Chip: EM4450
Tricead inntrigidh: 100KHz~150KHz
Cairt èifeachd RFID O.VI.Print: compatible with ISO11784/ISO11785 protocol
EEPROM: 1024bit
astar R/W: 2~ 5cm Read/write time: < 2ms
Teòthachd obrachaidh: -20℃ ~ + 80 ℃ Storage data: 10 bliadhna
Seasmhachd: > 100,000 amannan
Stuth: PVC/ABS/PET/PETG/PHA/Paper, 0.13uèir copar mm Card dimensions: ISO standard card L85.6×W54×T0.80(± 0.4)mm, no sònraich meud
The EM4450 chip is a product of the Swiss EM Microelectronics Corporation. The EM4450 chip operates at a frequency of 100KHz~150KHz. Aig an aon àm, a contactless RFID radio chip with read and write functions provides a variety of data transmission rates and data encoding modes with low power consumption. Can customize the EM4450+NXP MF IC S50's LF+HF composite frequency chip cards. Can also customize LF+UHF composite frequency chip cards.
Tagraidhean Ticketing
Siostam faire Remote parking lot system Automotive Immobilizer with rolling code Entrance guard system High Security Hands Free Access Control Industrial automation with portable database Manufacturing automation Prepayment Devices
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Bathar ODM agus OEM a rèir iarrtas luchd-ceannach.