RFID, n'ebe nile ụwa.

EM4450 Mgbawa Card Ò Kwekọrọ n'Ozizi na ISO11784 ISO11785 Protocol

CATEGORY na mkpado:
EM Card / LF Card ,

Can customize EM4450+NXP Mifare IC S50's LF+HF composite frequency chip cards or LF+UHF composite frequency chip cards.

  • nkọwa
  • Description
  • Aviable Crafts

mgbawa: EM4450
itinye n'ọkwa ugboro: 100KHz ~ 150KHz
Standard: dakọtara na ISO11784 / ISO11785 protocol
EEPROM: 1024bit
R / W anya: 2~ 5cm
Gụọ / dee oge: < 2MS
operating okpomọkụ: -20℃ ~ + 80 ℃
nchekwa data: 10 afọ
ntachi obi: > 100,000 ugboro
ihe: Ịkwanyere / ABS / PITA / PETG / PHA / Akwụkwọ, 0.13mm ọla kọpa waya
kaadị akụkụ: ISO ọkọlọtọ kaadị L85.6 × W54 × T0.80(± 0.4)mm, ma ọ bụ dee size

The EM4450 chip is a product of the Swiss EM Microelectronics Corporation. The EM4450 chip operates at a frequency of 100KHz~150KHz. N'otu oge ahụ, a contactless RFID radio chip with read and write functions provides a variety of data transmission rates and data encoding modes with low power consumption.
Can customize the EM4450+NXP MF IC S50's LF+HF composite frequency chip cards. Can also customize LF+UHF composite frequency chip cards.

Ịnye tiketi
patrolling usoro
Remote parking lot system
Automotive Immobilizer nwere mpịakọta koodu
Entrance guard system
High Security Hands Free Access Control
Lọ ọrụ mmepụta ihe nwere obere nchekwa data
Emeputa igwe
Ngwaọrụ ịkwụghachi ụgwọ


mpi Advantage:
ahụmahụ Staff;
magburu onwe ya mma;
Best price;
Fast nnyefe;
Large ikike na a dịgasị iche iche nke ngwaahịa;
Nabata obere iji;
ODM na OEM ngwaahịa dị ka ahịa ina.


Obibi: dechapụ Obibi, Patone ink Printing, Nbipụta agba agba, Silkscreen Obibi, kwes-ebi akwụkwọ, Ink-ugboelu ebi akwụkwọ, Digital-ebi akwụkwọ.
Security atụmatụ: watermark, laser ablation, Hologram / OVD, UV ink, Optical agbanwe ink, Zoro Ezo barcode / Barcode nkpuchi, Graded Rainbow, Micro-ederede, Guilloche, Hot stamping.
ndị ọzọ na-: IC mgbawa data mmalite/izo ya ezo, Data mgbanwe, Ahaziri magnetik straipu programed, Akara mbinye aka panel, Barcode, Nọmba usoro n'usoro, Embossing, DOD koodu, NBS convex koodu, Die-bee.

Ma eleghị anya, ị na-amasị na-

  • anyị Service

    RFID / IoT / Access Control
    LF / HF / UHF
    Kaadị / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Wristband / Eriri Ngakọ Igodo
    R / W Device
    RFID Ngwọta
    OEM / ODM

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    Press & Media
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    Awards & Nyocha
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    Tel:0086 755 89823301