RFID, madhab di dunya.

EM4450 Chip Card Compatible with ISO11784 ISO11785 Protocol

Card EM LF Card / ,

Can customize EM4450+NXP Mifare IC S50's LF+HF composite frequency chip cards or LF+UHF composite frequency chip cards.

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meulah: EM4450
frékuénsi induksi: 100KHz~150KHz
standar: compatible with ISO11784/ISO11785 protocol
EEPROM: 1024saeutik
Sunda / W jarak: 2~5cm
Read/write time: < 2Ibu
hawa operasi: -20℃ ~ + 80 ℃
Storage data: 10 taun
kakuatan keur nahan: > 100,000 kali
material: PVC/ABS/PET/PETG/PHA/Paper, 0.13kawat tambaga mm
dimensi kartu: ISO standard card L85.6×W54×T0.80(± 0,4)mm, or specify size

The EM4450 chip is a product of the Swiss EM Microelectronics Corporation. The EM4450 chip operates at a frequency of 100KHz~150KHz. Dina waktos anu sasarengan, a contactless RFID radio chip with read and write functions provides a variety of data transmission rates and data encoding modes with low power consumption.
Can customize the EM4450+NXP MF IC S50's LF+HF composite frequency chip cards. Can also customize LF+UHF composite frequency chip cards.

Patrolling system
Remote parking lot system
Automotive Immobilizer with rolling code
Entrance guard system
High Security Hands Free Access Control
Industrial automation with portable database
Manufacturing automation
Prepayment Devices


Kauntungan kalapa:
Staf anu ngalaman;
Kualitas alus teuing;
Harga pangsaéna;
Pangiriman gancang;
Kapasitas ageung sareng rupa-rupa produk;
Narima urutan leutik;
ODM sareng produk OEM numutkeun paménta konsumén.


pencitakan: Percetakan offset, Percetakan tinta Patone, Spot-warna percetakan, Nyetak Silkscreen, Percetakan termal, Percetakan tinta-jet, Percetakan digital.
Fitur kaamanan: Watermark, Laser ablasi, Hologram / OVD, Tinta UV, Mangrup Variabel optik, Barkod disumputkeun / Barcode mask, Dipeunteun Pelangi, Téks mikro, Guilloche, Hot stamping.
Anu sanésna: IC chip data initialization / Énkripsi, Data Variabel, Garis magnét anu diprogram, Panel tandatangan, Kodeu barkod, Nomer séri, Embossing, Kodeu DOD, Kode cembung NBS, Paeh-teukteukan.

Panginten anjeun ogé resep

  • Service kami

    RFID / IoT / Aksés Control
    LF / HF / UHF
    Kartu / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Wristband / Keychain
    Sunda / W Alat
    RFID Solusi
    OEM / ODM

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