Parameter Teknis Utama Protokol komunikasi: ISO / IEC 15693 Frekuensi operasi: 13.56MHz Chip RF umum: seri I KODE SLI, Aku KODE SLIX-L, TI256, Ti2048(Tag-itu HF-I),LRi2K,LRiS2K,EM4233,EM4035,EM4135,PicoPass 2KS/16KS/32kS R / W orange: hingga 1.5M R / W waktu: 1~ 2ms bekerja suhu: -20℃ ~ + 85 ℃ lap hidup: > 100,000 waktu Penyimpanan data: > 10 tahun Ukuran: 85.5× 54 × 0.80mm, atau spesifikasi kustom Bahan: PVC, ABS, MEMBELAI, PC(polycarbonate), PETG, Kertas
In the field of RFID, the high frequency band has two commonly used protocols ISO14443 and ISO15693. ISO14443 is generally used for anti-counterfeit labels and membership cards. It is characterized by a close identification distance (generally within 10cm) and high security. The ISO15693 protocol is generally used for applications where a high-frequency clear magnetic field is required and the distance is relatively long. The farthest reading distance is 2 meter. The feature is that the reading distance is much farther than the ISO14443. If you increase the reader power, you can read it farther. You can read more tags, such as labels that are close to each other and even overlap.
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Keunggulan kompetitif: Staf yang berpengalaman; kualitas yang sangat baik; Harga terbaik; Pengiriman cepat; kapasitas besar dan berbagai macam produk; Menerima pesanan kecil; ODM dan OEM produk sesuai dengan permintaan pelanggan.
Pencetakan: Offset Printing, Pencetakan tinta Patone, Pencetakan warna spot, Percetakan silkscreen, pencetakan termal, pencetakan ink-jet, digital printing. Fitur keamanan: cap air, ablasi laser, Hologram / OVD, tinta UV, Optik tinta Variabel, barcode tersembunyi / Barcode mask, graded Rainbow, Micro-teks, Guilloche, hot stamping. Lainnya: Inisialisasi/Enkripsi data chip IC, Data Variabel, Personalized magnetic stripe diprogram, Signature panel, barcode, Nomor seri, embossing, kode DOD, Kode cembung NBS, Die-cut.